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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
After more than a week, the world?s most powerful nation with the most advanced intelligence gathering agencies and the most sophisticated technology has discovered what most blind, 10 year old children could figure out within minutes of it actually happening. It?s like the captain of the Titanic realizing that there might be a slim possibility of icebergs ten minutes after his feet got wet.

lol at "fair and balanced" Fox News' screaming headline.


You fucktards are in meltdown mode... still a month of campaigning left, which only means more awful comments from Romney, and an ever-widening gap in the polls.
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LOL at a conservative calling a liberal 'narrow minded'.
this thread does not deserve any actual comments.

Translation: You can't defend this worthless POS Carney and the WH administration's reaction or lack thereof to the terrorist attack on our US Embassy in Libya, so you'll just make a smart ass comment on where the source came from,...well done.

But I wouldn't expect anything less from you. You would rather talk about Romney's response to it and just comment on that, but give Obama a pass. Makes a lot of sense.
Translation: You can't defend this worthless POS Carney and the WH administration's reaction or lack thereof to the terrorist attack on our US Embassy in Libya, so you'll just make a smart ass comment on where the source came from,...well done.

But I wouldn't expect anything less from you. You would rather talk about Romney's response to it and just comment on that, but give Obama a pass. Makes a lot of sense.

Translation: You can't defend this worthless POS Carney and the WH administration's reaction or lack thereof to the terrorist attack on our US Embassy in Libya, so you'll just make a smart ass comment on where the source came from,...well done.

But I wouldn't expect anything less from you. You would rather talk about Romney's response to it and just comment on that, but give Obama a pass. Makes a lot of sense.

yes youre right...its all obamas fault a couple lunatics killed a couple americans in fucking egypt. I got an idea....they died in egypt so lets bomb saudi arabia. That way we make decisions just like the republicans do and then they can be happy!
yes youre right...its all obamas fault a couple lunatics killed a couple americans in fucking egypt. I got an idea....they died in egypt so lets bomb saudi arabia. That way we make decisions just like the republicans do and then they can be happy!

ummm, A couple of lunatics?? It's an act of war killing an ambassador on US soil........I think acknowledging what it is first would be a good start. Sort of a big deal you know?
Anyone read the State Department's response to CNN publishing excerpts from Stevens's journal?
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Anyone read the State Department's response to CNN publishing excerpts from Stevens's journal?

it's pathetic. I haven't really tuned in as much, since from my vantage point, a lot of the criticism sounded like the right-wing noise machine getting shrill over an incident probably requires more nuance to understand than a 30 second news clip.

but then the thing about the journal came out, and I read this. From the link:
But in reality, the fiasco appears to be largely ? if not entirely ? a State Department botch. It was the State Department that failed to provide its ambassador adequate security; it was the State Department that fled Benghazi in the aftermath of the attack, apparently failing to clear or secure the scene, leaving Stevens' diary behind; and it was State that had taken the lead on the ground after the Libya intervention.

?When it comes to specific critiques about the attack, if either [the White House or State] should be getting blamed, it seems to me the primary one to be getting blamed should be State itself more than the [White House],? says one former State Department official with extensive experience in the region. ?I mean if you take away the 'buck stops here' parsing of this stuff, if Stevens was issuing warning or expressing concerns he was doing so primarily through his own chain of command. The security on the ground belongs to State.?
wouldn't mind if Hillary's career is torpedoed over this...

and this? yikes...
the questions are... what kind of warnings did Steven's report to state? I'm guessing he didn't only report them to his diary. and how often has the U.S. acted on warnings related to security like that from embassy staff?

but as far as the politics here goes... I don't think anyone that voted for Bush in '04 can really be that upset over this. as tragic as it is that people were killed here, it's not all that big of a blunder compared to Iraq from 2003 - 2010. if you were okay with that mess, you can't really get upset over this.

somebody screwed up at State. whether that was some intelligence analyst, or someone even higher up that ignored the warnings, they should lose their jobs.
Hillary's been cited for telling Secret Service agents to "get the fuck away from me," and my sister, who has signed for every major presidential candidate at the primary phase since 1992, observed that Hillary was as rude and condescending as they come to everyone within arm's length back of the curtain, and turned on the charm when she took the stage. This happened more than once.

My point is that maybe this Phillipe guy is a chip off the 'ol block when it comes to the topic of civility.
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ummm, A couple of lunatics?? It's an act of war killing an ambassador on US soil........I think acknowledging what it is first would be a good start. Sort of a big deal you know?

So you want us to go to war.....with whom exactly? Egypt? lmao....what money are you gonna use. Im assuming from your posts youre a republican....so your entire basis for romney is that our economy is bad. And now you want to go to war cause a couple peolpe died thousands of miles away and put our economy even closer to the brink of no return. Brilliant...

So youre mad cause Obama didnt release a dumb ass statement like Romeny did. I guess that just shows how much smarter the black guy is then the rich white guy.
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ummm, A couple of lunatics?? It's an act of war killing an ambassador on US soil........I think acknowledging what it is first would be a good start. Sort of a big deal you know?

It's only an act of war if it's state sponsored. Or do you really want Congress to declare war on, "those guys who stormed the embassy and killed the ambassador".

If some crazy American walked into the British embassy and shot the ambassador do you really think they would then call it an act of war?

It's only an act of war if it's state sponsored. Or do you really want Congress to declare war on, "those guys who stormed the embassy and killed the ambassador".

If some crazy American walked into the British embassy and shot the ambassador do you really think they would then call it an act of war?


duh....presidents are supposed to go off and preech a whole bunch of irrational non sense and then get us into a war with the wrong people. Look up the last republican president if you need proof. Apparently Oletoes was his biggest supporter lol.
So you want us to go to war.....with whom exactly? Egypt? lmao....what money are you gonna use. Im assuming from your posts youre a republican....so your entire basis for romney is that our economy is bad. And now you want to go to war cause a couple peolpe died thousands of miles away and put our economy even closer to the brink of no return. Brilliant...

So youre mad cause Obama didnt release a dumb ass statement like Romeny did. I guess that just shows how much smarter the black guy is then the rich white guy.

I never said that we should go to war you idiot. I said that it was an "act of war" killing a US Ambassador on US soil. And it was Libya not Egypt. I definitely think we should go after the folks involved though.

"I guess that just shows how much smarter the black guy is then the rich white guy."
-And what the hell is this supposed to mean? Am I a racist now because I criticized Obama? You really are an idiot!
duh....presidents are supposed to go off and preech a whole bunch of irrational non sense and then get us into a war with the wrong people. Look up the last republican president if you need proof. Apparently Oletoes was his biggest supporter lol.

See response above to your comment as well.

Preach a bunch of non sense? what are you referring to exactly? Seems to me that its becoming clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.
See response above to your comment as well.

Preach a bunch of non sense? what are you referring to exactly? Seems to me that its becoming clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Bush did prior to attacking the wrong country and Romney did in regards to this event....pick either one. They were both moronic.