[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]
I've known many drunks in my lifetime and rarely did i have to worry about them stealing from me or having a complete mental breakdown and running away because, "They're after me."
I have known and worked with a couple of addicts though. I lived with someone who was supposed to be a former addict, but he got caught up again and robbed another friend's apartment. That same friend pimped out his girlfriend to make money for his addiction.
An employee of mine started missing work. Nobody could get in touch with him for weeks. Finally his mom called us to inform us that he was tweaking bad, they found him on his way to mexico, crying about how some people were trying to kill him and he had to get out of the country. He hadn't eaten in almost a week and he smelled like puke and shit.
Give me a world full of drunks any day before half a world full of addicts.
I fail to see how the legality of drugs would have effected the outcome of those you have mentioned. Drug addicts will become drug addicts regardless of whether something is illegal. And as for the robbery, someone who is conducting one criminal act (drug use) is now willing to commit another? Shocked. The money spent on the drug war since the 80s could put those people in rehab 100 times over. It is a failed policy, just as prohibition of alcohol was.
You have to prove to me that non-drug addicts will suddenly become drug addicts once drugs are decriminalized.