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Rush?s Health in Limbo - The End Has Come


Aug 2, 2011
Advanced stage lung cancer.

I guess a lot you guys didn?t care for him much-I didn?t pay much attention to him; kinda thought his influence was/is way exaggerated - but I generally always wish everyone good health.
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That's cold.

Wish him the best for the rough times ahead.
May Rush Limbaugh receive the same empathy and respect he has always shown to others.
In 2017, 9.6 million people are estimated to have died from the various forms of cancer. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer, making it the second leading cause of death – second only to cardiovascular diseases.
Rush Limbaugh departed, age 70.

I’m going to presume he died in Palm Beach, FL, where he has made his home for many years, which, if that’s the case...

That’s not cold.
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CNBC headline ... “incendiary” ... FOX ... “conservative.” Neither adjective applies to him now.
CNBC headline ... ?incendiary? ... FOX ... ?conservative.? Neither adjective applies to him now.

That?s not necessarily true.

What if he?s cremated?

He would be incendiary in that case.

Either way, his ashes or his decomposing body could be viewed as mulch.

He would be environmentally conservative in that case.
Hey guys, just wanted to say I'm using the last bit of cell phone charge I have left to log in and say I'm glad he died.
Hey guys, just wanted to say I'm using the last bit of cell phone charge I have left to log in and say I'm glad he died.

Thanks, MC. I hope your difficult circumstances end soon as well.
My guess is he probably is too; the end has probably been miserable.

there is (or there would be if it existed) a special place in hell for this guy.

more than anyone else, his show was responsible for poisoning the brains of several relatives, and actually caused some ruptures between family
members that never healed before they passed
there is (or there would be if it existed) a special place in hell for this guy.

more than anyone else, his show was responsible for poisoning the brains of several relatives, and actually caused some ruptures between family
members that never healed before they passed

that sucks, but IMO, anybody that is weak minded enough to let themselves be "poisoned" by a radio host, probably isn't worth spending time with anyway.
there is (or there would be if it existed) a special place in hell for this guy.

more than anyone else, his show was responsible for poisoning the brains of several relatives, and actually caused some ruptures between family
members that never healed before they passed

I kinda second Tomdalton22.

See my opinion in the OP.

And speaking of Dalton?

Advanced stage lung cancer.

I guess a lot you guys didn’t care for him much-I didn’t pay much attention to him; kinda thought his influence was/is way exaggerated - but I generally always wish everyone good health.

Rush Limbaugh sleeps with the fishes.

agreed, I think his influence was exaggerated. when I was in college, a few of my high school friends told me about him but I didn't really listen to the radio much at all and when I did, it was pretty much only music - 101.1fm WRIF and 98.7fm WLLZ, maybe a little 99.5 (I forget the call sign) and 96.3fm WHYT when I was in grade school. I think there was a pretty decent Canadian station in the high 80s, 88.7 maybe. Anyway, as an adult when I started listening to talk radio more, I'd hear about Rush Limbaugh here and there but never listened to his show. I listen to NPR and some local sports talk radio when I don't have a music station on. I listened to Mark Levine every now and then but don't even know if he's still on.

Anyway, RIP Rush Limbaugh.
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there is (or there would be if it existed) a special place in hell for this guy.

It does exist, and I wish it on no one. That said, I have no idea where his soul is presently.

more than anyone else, his show was responsible for poisoning the brains of several relatives, and actually caused some ruptures between family
members that never healed before they passed

That’s not his responsibility.
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that sucks, but IMO, anybody that is weak minded enough to let themselves be "poisoned" by a radio host, probably isn't worth spending time with anyway.

there's also the matter of perspective. Since it's Rush and not the individual(s) on one side who is responsible, I wonder what influencers were responsible for poisoning the minds of those on the other side of that rupture.
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Rush Limbaugh sleeps with the fishes.

agreed, I think his influence was exaggerated. when I was in college, a few of my high school friends told me about him but I didn't really listen to the radio much at all and when I did, it was pretty much only music - 101.1fm WRIF and 98.7fm WLLZ, maybe a little 99.5 (I forget the call sign) and 96.3fm WHYT when I was in grade school. I think there was a pretty decent Canadian station in the high 80s, 88.7 maybe. Anyway, as an adult when I started listening to talk radio more, I'd hear about Rush Limbaugh here and there but never listened to his show. I listen to NPR and some local sports talk radio when I don't have a music station on. I listened to Mark Levine every now and then but don't even know if he's still on.

Anyway, RIP Rush Limbaugh.



I enjoy opinion commentary - both Republitard and Libtard - when the people are generally funny, and generally not that pissed off.

I don’t really like Mark Levine that much.
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