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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
this thread can be comic relief from the healthcare situation.

here's how I imagine the decision to hire Scaramucci to replace Spicer played out:

Preibus: "Okay, so the only reasonably normal guy we could find to be press secretary quit. And Huckabee's daughter is... uh... well... Not televisable. Who is next on the list?"

Bannon: "next most normal guy we could find willing to do this job is a washed up Goldman Sachs flunkie, and a complete coke fiend who doesn't know how or when to shut up. also, he hates both you and I already."

Preibus: "Shit. Well, Mr. President?"

Trump: *tweeting while watching Fox News* "Sure, sure, fine, whatever, I'm busy."
Scaramucci wasn't brought on to replace Spicer. He was hired to be his boss. Huckabee Sanders will have Spicer's job when he leaves.

The guy is a mercenary. Pay him and he will do and say whatever needs to be said and done. Seems like a decent guy at first, but then he keeps talking and you realize he's full of shit.
Scaramucci wasn't brought on to replace Spicer. He was hired to be his boss. Huckabee Sanders will have Spicer's job when he leaves.

The guy is a mercenary. Pay him and he will do and say whatever needs to be said and done. Seems like a decent guy at first, but then he keeps talking and you realize he's full of shit.

How dare you correct me.
I thought I saw something about spicer leaving? maybe it was just a joke (?)
Preibus is gone. I thought Trump knew the best people.

He also said we would win so much that we'd get sick of winning. Maybe he has Charlie Sheen's definition of winning. The presidency and this country have become a joke and that pisses me off. I would give my left and right nuts if we could go back and elect Mitt Romney in 2012 just to avoid what is happening now.
I'm a Jeff Sessions away from Trump bingo!
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so I'm trying to keep this straight

Spicer steps down because he won't work for Scaramucci
Priebus steps down because of Scaramucci
Kelly replaces priebus
Kelly fires scaramucci
ok all you trump bashers listen up because I'm only gonna say this once you better stop disrespiecing the president of the us because trump is the best president in the history of presidents and he's going to make america great again and i am sic and tired of you naysayer naysaying trump because trump has business expeerinence and what president has ever had that so ne knows how things work an before you say oh year that about russia remember that he has the finger on the button and just let russia try something then! He just disintegrate it and north korea right with it (japan maybe too but that's the price of freedom) and just when you think that trump has done something stupid remember that he's a human being LEAVE DON L. TRUMP ALONE
ok all you trump bashers listen up because I'm only gonna say this once you better stop disrespiecing the president of the us because trump is the best president in the history of presidents and he's going to make america great again and i am sic and tired of you naysayer naysaying trump because trump has business expeerinence and what president has ever had that so ne knows how things work an before you say oh year that about russia remember that he has the finger on the button and just let russia try something then! He just disintegrate it and north korea right with it (japan maybe too but that's the price of freedom) and just when you think that trump has done something stupid remember that he's a human being LEAVE DON L. TRUMP ALONE

Haha, Tigermud hacked Byco!
ok all you trump bashers listen up because I'm only gonna say this once you better stop disrespiecing the president of the us because trump is the best president in the history of presidents and he's going to make america great again and i am sic and tired of you naysayer naysaying trump because trump has business expeerinence and what president has ever had that so ne knows how things work an before you say oh year that about russia remember that he has the finger on the button and just let russia try something then! He just disintegrate it and north korea right with it (japan maybe too but that's the price of freedom) and just when you think that trump has done something stupid remember that he's a human being LEAVE DON L. TRUMP ALONE

The sarcasm is strong in you.