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Spartans Suck!!


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
Cocky, overrated, no good, low down, smelly, rotten, lying, delusional, cow-milking, corn-growing, grass-mowing, napolean complex having, 3yrs in a lifetime streak-having sonofabitches ......

Go the fuck back to Lansing!

And ....... GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!
Take that Lil' Bro, Sheep fuckers. You suck dog balls. Dantonio is a pussy, and he looks like Howdy Duty.
UM gals can keep "IT" down.......It is my experience that Sparty girls tend to gag and "IT" comes out their nose..........fun to watch, but very poorly executed ;)

Go Blue!
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Doesn't the fact that MSU agreed to wear South Florida's uniforms for their biggest game of the year say all we need to know about them?

100% asshats
I thought they were Wayne State's uniforms. Maybe they will play like them, too.

I like this as the point production for MSU's offense tomorrow.
TheVictors03 said:
Cocky, overrated, no good, low down, smelly, rotten, lying, delusional, cow-milking, corn-growing, grass-mowing, napolean complex having, 3yrs in a lifetime streak-having sonofabitches ......

Go the fuck back to Lansing!

And ....... GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!

Hey...easy on the cow-milkers, corn-growers, and grass-mowers!

...regarding the rest....carry on.
Fuck MSU...

I wonder if those jerseys are going to carry them to a victory?

Fuck Dantonio too...fucking immature prick.