it still is. exceedingly rare. so rare, in fact, that even in the instances where it might have occurred, the harm caused by changing the laws to allow it is not justified by the statistics.
"may issue" should never have become "shall issue." you really don't need to carry a gun unless you're a licensed body guard, security guard, or you carry large amounts of cash on a regular basis as part of a (legal) job, or a handful of other instances. not every personal injury justifies killing someone over. that's just what "society" is all about. cooler heads need to prevail! this is like... the very definition of being civilized.. it comes down to things like this!
you can still own guns... to hunt... for sport... to join a well-regulated militia if you want. you just can't carry wherever you want, and blast away the split second you "feel threatened."
I know, I know "it's not fair," but hundreds of years of human experience and common sense tells us otherwise... Monster & KAWDUP.
You were having a such a great discussion, and then you drop my name when I don't have a single post in this thread. You must be looking for a fight - it is the only conclusion I can come to.
So . . . umm . . . I think you are leaving something out. I never in all my posting said that "it" was not "fair". Although I could ask what "it" is in this case. Everything or just a gun law? I actually don't give a rat's ass.
You know what's not fair?
Zimmerman isn't in jail.
Elitists are constantly foisting their values on the rest of us.
Laws are bastardized every day to twist them into some racial issue.
The poor are getting poorer, and no one is considering real solutions.
Detroit is going bankrupt because of corruption and mismanagement and there is nothing we can do about it.
Well guess what - the world is not fucking fair. Whoever told you that it would be?
Personally I, as I am sure you will probably disagree or have some issue with, attempt to do what I can to makes things that I can control fair. I then work for, to the best of my ability, helping right some of the wrongs that I perceive in society. Will your perceptions of what is wrong be the same as mine. Nope. Will your priorities be the same as mine. Probably not.
. . . but on a political forum in a message board, if I think some part of your argument stinks, I will bring it up. That is how I roll - if you don't like it, quit including me in your "words into mouth shoving". Just because I argue with something does NOT mean I believe and endorse the entire exact opposite of the argument. But, hey, if you like my responses to your posts, by all means keep it up - I will be glad to keep at it, because I, like you, do like the occasional argument.
::steps off soapbox, and goes back to just reading this shit::