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Sup guys


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2024
Dallas Mavericks
Dallas Cowboys
Dallas Stars
Texas Rangers
FC Dallas
Texas Longhorns
Sup guys, received some email spam about this place a while back, been meaning to join and see what's up. For the record, I am not a Lions fan, a Tigers fan, etc. I'm all in on my Dallas teams. Mavericks and Cowboys in particular!
Likewise, and thanks for jumping in :)

I'm on the official Texas Rivals forum, and this set up is very similar. They make you pay to be able to post content though.

The Simpsons Animation GIF by FOX TV
I'm on the official Texas Rivals forum, and this set up is very similar. They make you pay to be able to post content though.

The Simpsons Animation GIF by FOX TV

Man, I had someone telling me about the different Rivals forums a couple weeks ago. I’d like to check out the Vandy parts of it, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
I'm on the official Texas Rivals forum, and this set up is very similar. They make you pay to be able to post content though.

The Simpsons Animation GIF by FOX TV
Eek! Hopefully that never happens here! We're going to be offering optional memberships, but it'll never restrict your ability to post if you don't purchase it.
Eek! Hopefully that never happens here! We're going to be offering optional memberships, but it'll never restrict your ability to post if you don't purchase it.

Sounds fair. Just make sure CMT doesn't get greedy.