I read both articles. His claim rests solely on his own assertion:
Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies than it did last year, and Police Chief James Craig is crediting armed citizens for the drop.
“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Chief Craig, who has been an open advocate for private gun ownership, the Detroit News reported. “I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed.
“I can’t say what specific percentage is caused by this, but there’s no question in my mind it has had an effect,” he added.
Again, I don't see any logical tie in and crime had been dropping for years already. The other link you posted shows crime indices in Detroit have jumped around wildly.
The idea that tougher gun laws result in more shootings in Chicago, DC, or Baltimore is stupid. Most of the guns used to commit crimes in Chicago for example
come from the suburbs or Indiana, all of which have much more lax gun laws. If anything this shows stricter gun laws have to be uniform nationwide; it's easy to cross a state border if you want to get a gun to shoot someone.
If gun laws are to blame, why aren't shootings more widely spread throughout Chicago, instead of being concentrated in a handful of poor neighborhoods on the South and West sides?
the socio-economic conditions are a factor; gun laws are not. They are more or less irrelevent to crime rates.
you're not very good at this whole "arguing" thing... did you even look at the link you posted? so crime in Detroit bottomed out in 2010, but shot back up in 2011... I guess the citizens sold their guns back, criminals knew this and started committing more crimes?
or maybe it's obvious gun ownership has jack squat to do with crime?
just like the NRA, fitting data to your own premise, and ignoring anything that doesn't jive with it...