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The Fall wedding curse strikes again


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2011
My wife's uncle has been engaged to his future wife for like 3 years now and we just got the invitations to the wedding. Now, we're thinking, Winter wedding, maybe even early spring, because you usually send out the invites months in advance. NOPE. October 12th. A month away....

I scrambled to check and luckily it's an away game but it's Penn State. Now I'm thinking, well good - it's a 5:00 game. I'll be able to watch the ceremony, probably watch part of the game before heading to the reception. NOPE

The god damn fucking wedding starts at 5PM! Who the hell gets married at 5pm? No wedding I've ever been to in my life has started past maybe 3 at the latest.

So there I'm going to be, sitting in a damn church (of all places) on a gameday, during a game. I'm not even sure I'll be able to get game updates without being noticed.

I get 12-14 days a year when I get to watch Michigan football and it pisses me the hell off when someone ruins it. Fall fucking weddings man.
You can decline the invitation and send a wedding gift of a Michigan placemats.
Park a couch on the steps of the church, bring a tv, and watch from there. You can peek inside during the commercials.
Park a couch on the steps of the church, bring a tv, and watch from there. You can peek inside during the commercials.

Well, the game probably is on ESPN or ESPN2 (hopefully not ABC) because if it's on the ESPN networks then it will be on ESPN3 on my phone; hopefully not blacked out.
I have missed plenty of weddings because they were on a gameday. I'm sure it will happen again.
Try to start some drama between your uncle and his fiancee so that they call the wedding off.

There, problem solved.
I wish people would just know better. If they don't care enough to respect fall Saturdays as days that can't be touched with any kind of event at all, then I can't respect their marriage. God would not approve, just saying.
Just tell them your religion prevents you from attending. Your religion being Michigan Wolverine Football should be completely understood and respected.

Or, as mentioned above, record it.
I have a wedding this saturday. The reception starts at kickoff. I am thankful that Xfinity finally has BTN2Go because I will be using that. Especially considering I dont even like my cousin thats getting married.

That was really a bad wedding Planning by your Uncle. I thought you have no other option to leave your game. Poor baby..:shrug:
Try to start some drama between your uncle and his fiancee so that they call the wedding off.

There, problem solved.

This is the strategy I would pursue, but you could also come down sick that day with food poisoning or something. That should work. Why are they ruining their relationship by getting married? They will be fighting by the end of the year and will more than likely be divorced before five years. It's a waste of time.

Well, GO BLUE!