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the old board is a little slim...

Honestly, and this means no disrespect to Monster, we would all probably still be there if they didn't change the forum. It's funny how a little editing can ruin what was a very enjoyable message board.

I don't think that. It might have taken some longer to transfer over, but this board is 100% better. No censorship, and post all and any links and videos. I say thank you to Monster!
I'm not arguing with the quality of this board. It is better. However, I was a member over there from 1999-whenever they went up with their shit. It would have been hard to convince the entire group of regulars to migrate here.
I was longing for something like this to happen for a long time. (like that?)

I even suggested to several regulars several times for us to migrate to a different board, but could never convince them.

ESPN did it for me

ESPN self imposed the "death penalty" on that forum. I wonder if they are happy with that decision?

I'm sure they justify the huge drop off in people posting there by thinking that we just couldn't handle the robustness.
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ESPN self imposed the "death penalty" on that forum. I wonder if they are happy with that decision?

I'm sure they justify the huge drop off in people posting there by thinking that we just couldn't handle the robustness.

ESPNsucks sucks.
I do believe that in 15-20 years, there will be an organization that ousts ESPN. I just don't think its feasible for one company to have a stranglehold on sports media for this long, when there are so many other outlets, new media, etc... that are starting to emerge.

That's going to be a tough nut to crack. They not only would have to compete with ESPN, but all the other networks. Versus got gobbled up by NBC, which just goes to show small networks will get gobbled up by bigger ones. When that happens, the high quality that existed within the small network gets overpowered and it just becomes another in the long list of what can be best described as normalcy.

ESPN has Disney money to purchase competitors, or outbid the competition when it comes to getting rights to show content.

If anything is going to bring down these giants, it is the internet...but they've gotten pretty good at shutting down the sites that stream content. It will likely require another leap in both technology and business practices to where users are finally able to watch whatever they want whenever they want.

Personally I have bigger issues with DirecTV being the only carrier able to provide access to games. That's as much an issue with the NFL and their greed. Unfortunately that isn't going to change anytime soon.