uThis doesn't even have to be ideological... there are plenty of studies and cost breakdowns showing why healthcare costs are so out-of-wack in the US, and it's all "administration" i.e. MBAs inserting themselves into the process. The actual costs of providing care don't correlate with the costs comsumers are paying... most of that goes to insurers now.
They try to blame lawyers, but medical malpractice suits have been a thing for a long time, and don't correlate with the ballooning in costs we've seen over the last few decades.
Health insurers don't provide healthcare, they just add a huge, and ever increasing cost layer to consumers who need healthcare.
Medicare for all just cuts out this "middleman" and his rent-seeking policies. that's it.
"Obamacare" is shit too. I'm not defending it. Public-private partnerships bring out the worst of both worlds. and if you're going to go the strictly private route, you have to actually enforce the anti-trust laws aggressively so you have real competition for customers. But we don't do that. Neither party has because our political system has failed, and both are completely owned by deep pockets