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USA Soccer is just awful


Aug 6, 2011
Looks like usa and Mexico will not make it out of the group stage of Copa America.
Just an awful display for three games by USA Soccer. They beat Boliva but so did everyone one else By larger scores then us. They lost to little Panama, and even though Uruguay is leading the group all usa had to do is get the same result as Panama because we had a 2 goal advantage in goal differential.. what a failure can’t even must a goal. Look I know Soccer is not as popular as the other sports but these are tiny nations beating us.
We look terrible.
I haven't watched any of this, but I know they choked against Panama, which is the game they were expected to win. It's no surprise they lost to Uruguay.
Soccer never has been, nor never will be, IMO, in the warp-and-woof of our culture. It was never organically grown here, like baseball, football, basketball, or even hockey. It had to be organized and run by adults for it to take hold, and it has never taken hold as a result.
I haven't watched any of this, but I know they choked against Panama, which is the game they were expected to win. It's no surprise they lost to Uruguay.
What I read about that is a US player hit someone on Panama and had to be taken out and US played 1 man short basically the whole match.