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Wales wins the Six Nations GS

I don't really follow this at all, but I think it's a cool tournament. I wish Italy was better at it.
Me neither. Just caught a bit of the final weekend. I guess Italy is on a massive losing streak in the tour tournament that stretches back to 2015 and is I think it is around 20 matches in a row or thereabouts l
Me neither. Just caught a bit of the final weekend. I guess Italy is on a massive losing streak in the tour tournament that stretches back to 2015 and is I think it is around 20 matches in a row or thereabouts l

I think Italy's problem is they can't get the right mix of athletes for their teams, kinda like the US's problem with soccer... our best athletes play other sports.

in Italy's case, their best athletes play soccer, and the more violent Italian rugby players play Calcio Fiorentino, which is what rugby would be if you could just flat out punch opposing players in the face, and stop play to brawl for long periods of time (this is a real sport in Italy, I am not making this up)