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Why do Republitards hate trans people so much?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Republitards: "We are a FREE country, and you should be FREE to live your life without the government telling you what to do HURR"

Also Republitards: "My religious beliefs command me to push for laws so the government can *literally* not allow you to be the person you want to be."

Seriously, WTF is wrong with them? Live and let live.

Look how many Republitard state legislatures are wasting the peoples' time and money with this bullshit (link).
So, I took the bait. This is the description of the first bill on the list.

"The bill protects minors from mutilation and sterilization. The bill creates a crime of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor. A health care professional commits unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor if the person knowingly administers, dispenses, or prescribes a drug or hormone or orders or performs a surgical procedure for the purpose of facilitating sex reassignment of a minor.

Unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is a class 3 felony.

A health care professional who is convicted of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is subject to professional disciplinary action."

This certainly seems to be a reasonable bill.
So, I took the bait. This is the description of the first bill on the list.

"The bill protects minors from mutilation and sterilization. The bill creates a crime of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor. A health care professional commits unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor if the person knowingly administers, dispenses, or prescribes a drug or hormone or orders or performs a surgical procedure for the purpose of facilitating sex reassignment of a minor.

Unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is a class 3 felony.

A health care professional who is convicted of unlawful sex reassignment treatment of a minor is subject to professional disciplinary action."

This certainly seems to be a reasonable bill.

SO When is it... "unlawful"?

Do you think they're concerned with doctors randomly performing sex reassignment surgeries on minors? Do you think this happens?

What if they want it and their parents consent? No? here freedom is not allowed?

Also, apparently that's not all the bill criminalizes.
I thought the Republitard President once said he would have no problem with it if Caitlyn Jenner ever wanted to shit or piss in the lady?s room at one of his hotels.
... [edit: tasteless south park link deleted]

I don?t see what?s the problem.

That's very fair.

so... "Not all Republitards" might be his retort to this thread?
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Why do shithead leftists think everyone who disagrees with them only does so out of hate? Oh yeah, it?s because they lack the intellectual, moral, historical, legal, scientific, logical or whatever standing required to win a substantive debate so they have to impugn the motives of people who disagree with them.
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SO When is it... "unlawful"?

Do you think they're concerned with doctors randomly performing sex reassignment surgeries on minors? Do you think this happens?

Did any of you guys ever seen those ?Hostel? movies?

This would make a great movie concept - evil pediatricians get together and bid for minor patients upon whom they would ?randomly? perform sex reassignment surgeries.

The evil pediatricians could be either Republitards or libtards, or non-partisan.
SO When is it... "unlawful"?

Do you think they're concerned with doctors randomly performing sex reassignment surgeries on minors? Do you think this happens?

What if they want it and their parents consent? No? here freedom is not allowed?

Also, apparently that's not all the bill criminalizes.

I don't think all parents make good decisions. Furthermore, kids and teenagers certainly don't always make good decisions.

If some adult wants to cut off their junk and pretend to be a woman...go ahead...have a ball (or don't). I think doing it at an early age is irresponsible.
I don't think all parents make good decisions. Furthermore, kids and teenagers certainly don't always make good decisions.

If some adult wants to cut off their junk and pretend to be a woman...go ahead...have a ball (or don't). I think doing it at an early age is irresponsible.

That?s what makes my movie concept so awesome - it isn?t the kids? choice at all - just like all the victims in the ?Hostel? franchise movies.
That?s what makes my movie concept so awesome - it isn?t the kids? choice at all - just like all the victims in the ?Hostel? franchise movies.

I was watching the Blacklist the other day. They had an episode where some rich dude had a gender reassignment surgery done on his young son because he was gay. If it can happen on the Blacklist, it can happen in real life.
SO When is it... "unlawful"?

Do you think they're concerned with doctors randomly performing sex reassignment surgeries on minors? Do you think this happens?

What if they want it and their parents consent? No? here freedom is not allowed?

Also, apparently that's not all the bill criminalizes.

What else does it criminalize or is it enough that it criminalizing something else too? Or are you just making that up because you got caught posting something you didn?t read and are scrambling to save face after it?s pointed out that your hysterics are unwarranted, again?

There are lots of less impactful things than having their genitals irreversibly mutilated we don?t let children up to and through adolescence do or make decisions about. Gender disphoria is often just a phase that kids grow out of, but why not let them have their gender reassigned especially since it does nothing to lower the multiple times higher suicide rates among trans people - what harm can it do so long as the parents think it?s OK.

Interesting that you choose this topic to try make your bullshit point that conservatives are motivated by hate and oh by the way, this proves they love big government just as much as your team. Are you just programmed to take the other side of every Republican position and rant about it on DSF?
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What else does it criminalize or is it enough that it criminalizing something else too? Or are you just making that up because you got caught posting something you didn?t read and are scrambling to save face after it?s pointed out that your hysterics are unwarranted, again?

There are lots of less impactful things than having their genitals irreversibly mutilated we don?t let children up to and through adolescence do or make decisions about. Gender disphoria is often just a phase that kids grow out of, but why not let them have their gender reassigned especially since it does nothing to lower the multiple times higher suicide rates among trans people - what harm can it do so long as the parents think it?s OK.

Interesting that you choose this topic to try make your bullshit point that conservatives are motivated by hate and oh by the way, this proves they love big government just as much as your team. Are you just programmed to take the other side of every Republican position and rant about it on DSF?

You sound very hateful.
I was watching the Blacklist the other day. They had an episode where some rich dude had a gender reassignment surgery done on his young son because he was gay. If it can happen on the Blacklist, it can happen in real life.

That?s what they do in Iran, they give gay people a choice between gender reassignment and death. At least the surgery is ?free? - moreevidence to support MC?s assertion that the Iranian regime is far more virtuous and trustworthy than the US government.
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You sound very hateful.

You look very stupid and you?re projecting again. Remember you?re the guy who just got caught starting another hateful thread about Republicans without actually reading past the headline of the article you posted - again.
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That?s what makes my movie concept so awesome - it isn?t the kids? choice at all - just like all the victims in the ?Hostel? franchise movies.

This isn?t a movie - this is actually happening in pediatric offices all over the country. At least that?s what Republicans think because otherwise, why would they ever propose a bill like this - other than they obviously hate trans people.
I was watching the Blacklist the other day. They had an episode where some rich dude had a gender reassignment surgery done on his young son because he was gay. If it can happen on the Blacklist, it can happen in real life.

Man, that James Spader is always stealing my best ideas.

It was maybe 35 years ago, me and him was kickin? it by the pool, and I says to James, I says ?I got this concept about a hot but kinda repressed housewife, whose exhibition side is brought by a voyeur dude with a camera fetish.?
This isn?t a movie - this is actually happening in pediatric offices all over the country. At least that?s what Republicans think because otherwise, why would they ever propose a bill like this - other than they obviously hate trans people.

Well, somebody better make a movie about it then.

I?m just not sure the genre - is it horror, or comedy? Or kinda both, like the ?Happy Death Day? franchise with Jessica Rothe?
Man, that James Spader is always stealing my best ideas.

It was maybe 35 years ago, me and him was kickin? it by the pool, and I says to James, I says ?I got this concept about a hot but kinda repressed housewife, whose exhibition side is brought by a voyeur dude with a camera fetish.?

I can see you out in LA hangin' by the pool with him
I was watching the Blacklist the other day. They had an episode where some rich dude had a gender reassignment surgery done on his young son because he was gay. If it can happen on the Blacklist, it can happen in real life.

Great show. Spader's dry humor/wit is great. I wish Elizabeth would jump off a bridge.