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Man, Bernie Sanders is so great


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
fucking Hillary Clinton puts out a book blaming him for her election loss and filling it with a bunch of bullshit, demonstrably false claims... and his response?

"Sorry I don't have time for this, I'm too busy trying to pass single payer healthcare for everyone."

LOL, perfect.

I don't understand the fucktards complaining about "their taxes going up to pay for this."

look at your paystub. See the insane amount of money you've paid so far this year for health insurance? you won't have to pay that anymore. And your taxes will not go up anywhere near that amount.

the people claiming otherwise, or claiming your healthcare will suck under single pay are either: 1) paid lobbyists of the health insurance industry; or 2) the fucktards who believe them. Don't be a fucktard. Every other normal country has this (or more) and they all live longer and are healthier than us. our country has been going down the shithole for decades now for listening to the lobbyists, instead of people who know better.

I have great health insurance by most measures... and it's still not that great. on top of the thousands of dollars I've paid so far, I've still had to pay out of pocket for a couple thousand more. And finding a doctor using their website fucking sucks.

Bernie Sanders = American Hero. On of the few right now.
Can't slag Bernie. Don't agree with him much, but WYSIWYG. SPHC? AOK! Will Bernie have to wait on line with the rest of us?
If they don't, who cares. It's .000001 percent of the country's population.
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If they don't, who cares. It's .000001 percent of the country's population.

Well as long as I am part of that .000001 percent that gets a sweet deal, you'all can do what you want.

It's all about me - I could give a crap if you have health care. :hehe:
the OP is amusing, pure fucktardery while telling others not to be fucktards. Won't have to pay as much? Sanders' campaign put the cost at $13.8T (TRILLION, with a "T") over 10 years - of course Sanders' campaign would be the low estimate, which is never right - where the government is concerned, high estimates usually end up being way low. The Tax Policy Center (sub of the liberal Brookings Institute) pegged the number at $32T of which $10T would be added to the debt, which just topped $20T. For all you people who struggle with math and accounting, that's adding 50% to the debt in 10 years - just for single payer so that's ON TOP of the current deficits we're already running. Anyone who thinks the government will run this business cheaper than it's currently being run is categorically out of their mind. The government doesn't do ANYTHING cheaper than the private sector - that's an indisputable fact. If you think otherwise, you are by definition, a "fucktard"

Single payer sucks everywhere. Our healthcare system certainly needs fixing but it's still the best healthcare in the world. Single payer will just drag us down with everyone else, lead to rationing and add massively to our already unsustainable debt. We need market based reforms, not more government intervention. California, the most liberal state in the Union with a Democrat super majority just shot down single payer - that ought to tell you something.

When will these fools realize Bernie Sanders is a senile leftist loonbag who is completely out of his mind. I guess that's probably too much to expect from a bunch of "fucktards". The one redeeming fact in all of this is that the Democrats are a completely dysfunctional herd of incompetent boobs - worse than the Republicans, which is pretty tough to do, but they're clearly managing.
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the OP is amusing, pure fucktardery while telling others not to be fucktards. Won't have to pay as much? Sanders' campaign put the cost at $13.8T (TRILLION, with a "T") over 10 years - of course Sanders' campaign would be the low estimate, which is never right - where the government is concerned, high estimates usually end up being way low. The Tax Policy Center (sub of the liberal Brookings Institute) pegged the number at $32T of which $10T would be added to the debt, which just topped $20T. For all you people who struggle with math and accounting, that's adding 50% to the debt in 10 years - just for single payer so that's ON TOP of the current deficits we're already running. Anyone who thinks the government will run this business cheaper than it's currently being run is categorically out of their mind. The government doesn't do ANYTHING cheaper than the private sector - that's an indisputable fact. If you think otherwise, you are by definition, a "fucktard"

Single payer sucks everywhere. Our healthcare system certainly needs fixing but it's still the best healthcare in the world. Single payer will just drag us down with everyone else, lead to rationing and add massively to our already unsustainable debt. We need market based reforms, not more government intervention. California, the most liberal state in the Union with a Democrat super majority just shot down single payer - that ought to tell you something.

When will these fools realize Bernie Sanders is a senile leftist loonbag who is completely out of his mind. I guess that's probably too much to expect from a bunch of "fucktards". The one redeeming fact in all of this is that the Democrats are a completely dysfunctional herd of incompetent boobs - worse than the Republicans, which is pretty tough to do, but they're clearly managing.

Nothing on this planet is worse then any do nothing republican politician !!! Where Is THE GREAT GOP Healthcare plan !!!! They have nothing like always!
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We spend ~$3/4T per year on the military..but hey..gotta spend more and more to defend an addicted nation whose infrastructure is crumbling, and tens of millions are uninsured, underinsured, or soon will be, if the rightwing gets their way. Free market "competition" "vouchers" "tax-credits" and "shopping across state lines" for better and more affordable coverage is pure BS and are just distractractions-diversions to further enrich the 01% and the for-profit health/dental insurance monopolies.
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Can't slag Bernie. Don't agree with him much, but WYSIWYG. SPHC? AOK! Will Bernie have to wait on line with the rest of us?

In every Western democracy with public healthcare people with money can still buy private insurance to not to wait in line.

The broke dick poor on Medicaid in this country really don't have to wait in line that long.

Old bastards on Medicare don't have to wait that long in line either.
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the OP is amusing, pure fucktardery while telling others not to be fucktards. Won't have to pay as much? Sanders' campaign put the cost at $13.8T (TRILLION, with a "T") over 10 years - of course Sanders' campaign would be the low estimate, which is never right - where the government is concerned, high estimates usually end up being way low. The Tax Policy Center (sub of the liberal Brookings Institute) pegged the number at $32T of which $10T would be added to the debt, which just topped $20T. For all you people who struggle with math and accounting, that's adding 50% to the debt in 10 years - just for single payer so that's ON TOP of the current deficits we're already running. Anyone who thinks the government will run this business cheaper than it's currently being run is categorically out of their mind. The government doesn't do ANYTHING cheaper than the private sector - that's an indisputable fact. If you think otherwise, you are by definition, a "fucktard"

Single payer sucks everywhere. Our healthcare system certainly needs fixing but it's still the best healthcare in the world. Single payer will just drag us down with everyone else, lead to rationing and add massively to our already unsustainable debt. We need market based reforms, not more government intervention. California, the most liberal state in the Union with a Democrat super majority just shot down single payer - that ought to tell you something.

When will these fools realize Bernie Sanders is a senile leftist loonbag who is completely out of his mind. I guess that's probably too much to expect from a bunch of "fucktards". The one redeeming fact in all of this is that the Democrats are a completely dysfunctional herd of incompetent boobs - worse than the Republicans, which is pretty tough to do, but they're clearly managing.

and let's not forget Bernie's other tax and spend plans like "free" (LOL) education for all. All-in the projected deficit increase is an additional $18T added to the debt in 10 years. Again, that's ON TOP of current deficit spending.

Bernie Sanders is a complete moron. He's been a lazy shiftless bumb his whole life who never had a real job until his late 30s (if you consider being an unaccomplished career government official a real job). He's a total hypocrite, decrying the wealthy as evil while owning 3 homes and living like a king off other people's money. Plus he's married to a complete shyster whose incompetent bumbling caused a state University to go bankrupt in 3 years - something which he aided and abetted by using the power of his office to strong-arm banks into making bad loans and something she profited handsomely from, bagging a $200k buyout to get rid of her. He's an amoral slimeball who thinks using the power of the government gun to steal and redistribute other people's productivity is actually the moral position and that murdering defenseless babies is an actual right.

By virtually every measurable standard, Bernie Sanders is a horrible human being. But give him credit - he's not a hypocite! (even though he definitely is).
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Nothing on this planet is worse then any do nothing republican politician !!! Where Is THE GREAT GOP Healthcare plan !!!! They have nothing like always!

actually, while I don't support "do nothing" politicians on either side of the aisle, there are plenty of things on this planet worse than them. One example would be the people who are pushing single payer health coverage.
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Best healthcare in the world? WOW. I can't believe you actually said that. What's worse, you actually believe that.

If you can find me ANY research that even puts us in the top FIVE, I'll tip my cap to you.

The USA is not even CLOSE to having the best healthcare in the world. Yikes.
Funny, I'm not at all surprised you "think" otherwise. I can totally believe it. In fact, I'd be shocked if you didn't.

The best. By far. We have the best doctors, the best technology. We are world leaders in innovation (see graph in article below - it's not even close).


Excluding the one socialized line we have (the VA system) we have no rationing, long waits, etc. It's why wealthy Canadians, Brits, etc come here and pay cash for needed care they can't get at home.

If you want an idea of what single payer looks like, read up on the VA health system. That's what we'll all be on with single payer.
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Its a joke that anyone thinks we have the best healthcare in the western world or world . Our for profit healthcare system is a disaster. Instead of fixing the ACA which is working to get more people covered the Gop have obstructed it at every corner and made it worse .I hope the Gop repeal the ACA because that will move us closer to a single payer system of some form . Don't worry Hack the rich will still be able to get extra coverage. . But price gauging by the drug compaines has to stop and only government intervention is going to push these greedy assholes in in the right direction. Cut out the damn middleman in healtcare. Soon the poor conservative that that makes up the Gop base will need it . Something like this would really help everyday Americans but this is just missed by most greedy politicians .



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