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Paczki Day tomorrow


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Inspired by this thread, I'm gonna go around town tomorrow asking people who look like they're Catholic if they're Catholic & if they've had their Paczki that morning. if they say yes, then no, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth to remind them to comply.

I had 1 1/2 paczki for breakfast today, so I'm ahead of the game for the coming Lent.
Inspired by this thread, I'm gonna go around town tomorrow asking people who look like they're Catholic if they're Catholic & if they've had their Paczki that morning. if they say yes, then no, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth to remind them to comply.

I had 1 1/2 paczki for breakfast today, so I'm ahead of the game for the coming Lent.

You are a week ahead of yourself. Ash Wednesday is Feb 17.
Inspired by this thread, I'm gonna go around town tomorrow asking people who look like they're Catholic if they're Catholic & if they've had their Paczki that morning. if they say yes, then no, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth to remind them to comply.

I had 1 1/2 paczki for breakfast today, so I'm ahead of the game for the coming Lent.

If they punch you back are you going to mention it on the Christians behaving badly page? It's been a while since I went to church, but from what I remember, they are supposed to turn the other cheek so you can punch them again.
What do people who look like they're Catholic look like?
You are a week ahead of yourself. Ash Wednesday is Feb 17.

Oh No, you're right! I blame Krogers. Why were they selling Paczki over the weekend? Who buys them a week in advance? In Hamtramck, they'd be livid.

Maybe a kind Mod can update the thread title for me?

If they punch you back are you going to mention it on the Christians behaving badly page? It's been a while since I went to church, but from what I remember, they are supposed to turn the other cheek so you can punch them again.

I guess technically, yeah, I'd update the page because they're supposed to turn the other cheek, although I'd admit in each case I deserved it.

Don't they have ashes on their forehead?

That's in two Wednesdays, Feb. 17th.

I heard this year, because of COVID-19, they're not marking everyone individually, just blowing ashes in everyone's face as they walk up, and so all Catholics will look like 19th century chimney sweeps this year on Ash Wednesday.

that'd be funny if they all got accused of wearing black face and being culturally insensitive this year, by the Woke Cancel Mob.
that'd be funny if they all got accused of wearing black face and being culturally insensitive this year, by the Woke Cancel Mob.

I was about to post the exact same thing.

I wonder if Disney will need to cancel Mary Poppins at some point due to the Woke people claiming all the chimney sweeps are wearing black face.

After all, they have decided to make Dumbo, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and Jungle Book among others to their Adult Profiles so that their offensiveness will not be viewed by children.

I personally think Little Mermaid should be as well because of the "Under the Sea" song...

"Darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me..." along with Ariel's outfit just screams sexist. Reminds me of a joke, Why does Ariel where Sea Shells? Because "D" Shells would be too big!
Inspired by this thread, I'm gonna go around town tomorrow asking people who look like they're Catholic if they're Catholic & if they've had their Paczki that morning. if they say yes, then no, I'm gonna punch them in the mouth to remind them to comply.

I had 1 1/2 paczki for breakfast today, so I'm ahead of the game for the coming Lent.

Today might not be the best day to go rolling around Houston looking for Catholics to punch on the nose for not eating a jelly donut what with the snow, and cold, and power outage, and whatnot.

On the other hand...it just may be the best day for it.

Maybe someone should start a poll?
Today might not be the best day to go rolling around Houston looking for Catholics to punch on the nose for not eating a jelly donut what with the snow, and cold, and power outage, and whatnot.

On the other hand...it just may be the best day for it.

Maybe someone should start a poll?

The lord punished me, by taking away my power and bursting a pipe in my attic, so I have my hands full.
Bumping the thread. I don't plan on indulging tomorrow, but I have a list of mortifications for Lent.
Bumping the thread. I don't plan on indulging tomorrow, but I have a list of mortifications for Lent.


They don't really sell them around here, but I'm going to order jelly donuts and angrily argue with everyone why paczkis are different

They don't really sell them around here, but I'm going to order jelly donuts and angrily argue with everyone why paczkis are different

Well? What'd you end up getting? And what was the outcome of the argument?
Well? What'd you end up getting? And what was the outcome of the argument?

for various reasons I won't go into, we ate in the car for our commute this morning, so prudently opted not to get jelly donuts.

one of us got an old-fashioned style, glazed, and another got a blue frosted donut with sprinkles, and the family contrarian (that is not me) opted for donut holes, not donuts

also had kolaches (a Texas thing). Basically a mild sausage inside an oblong shaped semi-sweet roll. The pictures online don't really show what a typical Texan would consider them. They're originally a Czech pastry that more resembled a Danish, apparently
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No one argued. I explained what Mardi Gras and pacszkis were, and got blank stares.

Followed by the question "So they're basically donuts, and we're getting donuts tomorrow?"

I replied yes.
Paczki to donuts are like Jolt pop to a regular pop. But its still a donut. Just a hopped up one.

History lesson, created by the Polish (to get rid of the off limit ingredients before lent) and not eating then would bring bad luck or so they say.