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Search results

  1. Debbie

    What's your favorite streaming service?

    I only have Amazon Video which is included with me Prime subscription and Netflix and I find that gives me more than enough to watch when I am looking to watch something. I have looked into Hulu but have not chosen to use them as of yet.
  2. Debbie

    Books or e-books?

    Call me old fashioned but I would rather have a physical book than read a book from a tablet, I just prefer it that way and I love to have a collection of books on my shelves.
  3. Debbie

    Do you like using subtitles?

    I am not a fan of using subtitles at all unless I have to due to not being able to hear something I am watching. I have always been distracted by subtitles and find I lose track of what I am watching.
  4. Debbie

    What did you last eat/drink?

    I just ate a few biscuits not too long ago with a cup of coffee, very much needed after a busy morning!
  5. Debbie

    Unexpected storm in Italy

    This is awful to see and I feel it's happening too much in places around the world at the moment. I hope everyone involved in this was safe and there were no serious injuries.
  6. Debbie

    Annoying if played music

    I would have to say a kettle. Could you imagine boiling a kettle and it plays music every time? I know that would annoy me after a while. Another one would be a computer mouse, if that played music as it was being used.
  7. Debbie

    How often do you check the news?

    I am on the internet most of the time browsing social media or browsing forums, in between those I tend to check the news every few hours to see what is going on.
  8. Debbie

    What's your favorite chat messenger?

    I only tend to use messenger daily when I chat so that would have to be my favourite messenger. I have in the past tried Whats App but I could never get on with it.
  9. Debbie

    Would you return to education given the chance?

    Some of the best times in my life were when I were at school and I don't believe I spent enough time enjoying those moments. I have so much regret not enjoying my younger life at school and if I were given the chance to go back, I would and this time, I would enjoy it.
  10. Debbie

    What did you last eat/drink?

    I last ate some strawberries. I love strawberries this time of year when they are in season, they are so juicy and sweet. I last drank an iced coffee not too long ago.
  11. Debbie

    How often do you use Social Media?

    I check social media so many times a day it is crazy. Twitter is probably the one I would say I check the most on a daily basis finding myself scrolling for a while and then refreshing and scrolling again.
  12. Debbie

    Do you have any plans for summer 2024?

    No solid plans yet for summer 2024 but I am hoping to have some days out when the weather is nice. Would love to go on holiday like we have in the past but this year that is not feasible which is a shame.
  13. Debbie


    Hello! I am Debbie! I found this forum and joined not too long ago, I have a feeling I am going to enjoy it here :)