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Search results

  1. C

    Fister Traded, now is retiring from baseball

    Per Brent Ashcroff-INTERESTING DETROIT TIGERS NEWS - My wife Lori Clark Ashcroft has been in Orlando at the MLB Winter Meetings all week. Tonight, she had a 20-minute conversation with Al Kaline. She asked Al why Doug Fister was traded. Al told Lori that the Tigers offered Fister a long-term...
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    Tigers sign Fielder?

    CBSSports.com Prince Fielder is a Detroit Tiger...for $214M over nine years!
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    Do the Yanks play dead to keep the hated BoSox out of playoffs?
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    Help me out please?

    He is on Bakita/Bently in the AM on 107.3.
  5. C

    Utility Player

    Shane Halter gets my vote.
  6. C

    Prince Fielder

    Put Cabby at 3b, imagine the lineup with DY, Cabby, Prince and Vmart. I know not much d at 3b, but you sure would put up alot of runs!