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Help me out please?


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Who's the former buffalo bill/gvsu player who does/did college football for espn? he used to do games with pam ward. flipping back and forth between mich and mich st, i heard dan hawkins doing the msu game and he flat out blows. i can't believe i am having a brain fart and forget this guy's name. he was pretty good i thought.
I think it is Ray Bentley you are looking for... But he played for CMU though not GVSU...So I may be wrong...
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]I think it is Ray Bentley you are looking for... But he played for CMU though not GVSU...So I may be wrong...

thanks...that is the guy i'm looking for. and for some reason i thought he played at gvsu...i have rob rubick stuck in my head all day trying to figure that one out. i appreciate the help. does he still do games for espn?
fedexgooch78 said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]I think it is Ray Bentley you are looking for... But he played for CMU though not GVSU...So I may be wrong...

thanks...that is the guy i'm looking for. and for some reason i thought he played at gvsu...i have rob rubick stuck in my head all day trying to figure that one out. i appreciate the help. does he still do games for espn?

No problem... back to the basement for me....start of the third......

Go Blue...
fedexgooch78 said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]I think it is Ray Bentley you are looking for... But he played for CMU though not GVSU...So I may be wrong...

thanks...that is the guy i'm looking for. and for some reason i thought he played at gvsu...i have rob rubick stuck in my head all day trying to figure that one out. i appreciate the help. does he still do games for espn?

Bentley still does games. I saw him last weekend, though I don't remember the play-by-play guy he was with. I remember because the p-b-p guy was looking sharp in his shirt and tie, but Bentley's shirt was ill-fitting, half untucked and rumpled looking. I'm sure he heard about afterward.