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2014 College Football Pick'ems - Yahoo

nice work week 1 Tinsel - 1st and didn't even have a pick for the MSU game. If the default was the favorite, you'd have a 2 pt lead...

Also, I've changed my team name.
Didn't even pick the noon games and still had 14 wins....im gunning for ya
Tinsel??? What happened this past week, bro? Definitely not your best work...
Tinsel??? What happened this past week, bro? Definitely not your best work...

Yeah, but not my worst either, I promise...some weeks are be great; others...not so much...

Every week, about 75% of games, I look at the spread and think "this spread looks just about right; were there money involved in this game, I would just lay off..."

But we have to make a pick each game for a chance to win bragging rights; bragging rights is all this game is about.

So I'm gonna brag now.

I'm the two time reigning consecutive champ/co-champ; and I am until somebody beats me at the end of this season; whatever happens on any given week.
Didn't get the first 6 picks in on time last week. Oh well. At least it looks like I'll beat Tinsel...
My season fell apart when my picks didn't save on my phone one week. Stupid technology.

Same thing happened to me. Picks said saved on phone - found out I got zero late Saturday, when I went to check results.

I actually made it back up to 6th after that, then missed the 6 early games last week - dropping to 10th. At peak I was #2, the week before the 0 - no way was anyone catching YellowBeer though.

. . . and thru all that, still within a few points of Hungry, RABID, and GoBlueInAtlanta - heh heh.

Oh well - there is always next year.
I guess we all did the same thing at one point. I got 1 point one week because of my phone luckly there was a late game so I got 1 at least. In second place but got no chance to come back from that.
I guess we all did the same thing at one point. I got 1 point one week because of my phone luckly there was a late game so I got 1 at least. In second place but got no chance to come back from that.

My year started so badly, that I actually literally just gave up picking. I started always picking Michigan to cover, and then just criss crossed up, and then criss crossed down, from there.

Things actually got a little better.
I kept forgetting to set my picks and after my 3rd week of forgetting I just stopped playing.
Congratulations to DontDrinkYellowBeer on the 2014 Championship

Final standings:

1 DontDrinkYellowBeer

2 Icepick1982

3 B311J

4 uofmdixon

5 Rabid

6 Hungry

7 easye688

8 GoBlueInAtlanta


10 Red Cedar

11 gobluebigjon

12 MichFan78

13 TinselWolverine

14 TheWolverines24

15 ]\/[littleman26

16 Dam Dirty Apes

17 Rich Rod's Revenge

18 Michigan Maniac

19 Lostleader
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Damn...didn't I fall apart this year, huh?

Hope the Bowl Pick'ems game will go better for me.
I missed the noon games a couple weeks ago. I thought I had a chance.