It will never be fixed with these goons running the team into the ground. Its year after year of dumb drafting, resigning guys that dont play well for you in the first place, no action in free agency, stupid coaching decisions, stupid personnel decisions, horrible execution on the field. Our "strengths" arent even good lol....the dline blows, offense is getting outscored by opponents defenses. Special teams hasn't made a play since mel farr. Havent fixed the secondary since bennie blades retired. Havent fixed the oline since lomas brown. Replaced millen with a dumbass. Owner is a dumbass. Although i liked schwartz at starting to think he was over his head. He cant control his team.....and he holds no one accountable until they punch a teamate in the head, are continually late for meetings, AND lineup wrong on purpose in games in order to get more passes. A real coach wouldnt have cherilus in the game after all those false starts and youre sitting your rd 1 ot on the bench. A real coach wouldnt see 3 years worth of dlineman that can't even line up onsides let alone jump early. I wont even go into all the off field issues from this group of delinquents.....but that's on mayhew too. Team is a clusterfuck.