"Should" can mean either. (Michigan's offense should look better this year.)
But I took your meaning the way you intended it. How do you make sense of suggesting that a group of people do something that you are, in reality, against? Seems like you just want to be at odds with Catholics. Catholics don't pick Santorum any more than you do. Why not see that as a point of agreement?
I intentionally have long used possibility and probability disclaimers in my posts, and moreso than most people do online.
i find it interesting that although I am a long-lapsed former RC, I have defended a dead RC Senator who, despite his political patrician privileges, inherited wealth, and still had his vices & flaws like most of us do, but he might well have been a better Catholic than some, if not many who have disparaged him. I have not walked a mile in his shoes, but I do know something about the horrific battle for sustained sobriety that a lifelong alcoholic faces with that disease, each and every day, up close and personal.
How anyone can claim to be a true Christian, and yet base their forgiveness quotient upon their own vs others' faith and/or their personal political ideology is beyond me, but w/e.
I have also defended a staunch Christan and Republican who has become a member of the LBGT community, and has used her celeb status to publicly flaunt her decision, much to the chagrin, anger, and derision of her fellow Christian conservatives.
I am adamantly in favor of the total separation of church and state, which obviously Santorum, along with likely the vast majority of Tea Party Republicans and their teabagger supporters are actively attempting to subvert and circumvent. There are also some "blue dog" Democrats who are not opposing this, but they are a very small minority.
I want churches to be much more closely monitored for their attempts to influence the outcome of elections through their congregations.
As well as those who have members who hold office, potentially creating and executing legislation that is favorable to them and/or is or will be detrimental to others who do not share their beliefs. If found to be doing so, then they would lose their tax-exempt status. This for a period of time, based upon the nature, amount, and degree/seriousness of the violation(s).
I might be somewhat off a bit here, but it appears that of those who at least somewhat frequently post on off-topic threads, there are ~6 who are probably liberals, and of those: 2 who claim to be atheists, 2 who may be Christians or agnostics, 1 who is agnostic. ~6 who are likely conservatives, and of those: 4 who probably are Catholic, and 2 who may be Christian. There is also 1 who might be Libertarian and unsure if he has a faith or not. Pretty balanced, but very tiny.
The US was not founded as a Christian nation, and it still is not and "should" never become a Christian nation. Any candidate who suggests or claims otherwise will not get my vote, and "should" not get anyone elses, for that matter.