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Beat Ohio * Game Thread


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2011
This is a must win game IMO. The Bucknuts mus go down. Yes they will go down

Go Blue
Yes, your boys had better win and win big at the new Crisler. Lose this game and all bets are off.
Hoke and Mattison at the game. They must feel pretty confident about tomorrow.
they tend to come to big games and ohio is big

i amstuck home being sick. but probably smart staying home
Yes, your boys had better win and win big at the new Crisler. Lose this game and all bets are off.

All bets are off means what?

And Crisler sucks -- isn't half as jumping as Assmbly Hall
I was thinking the same thing.......the team is great but the atmosphere still leaves something to be desired.

Some things you just can't renovate, I guess. Tirico must be psyched about his commute home too!
Damn it got sloppy when we went to the bench. We cant let up
They still look tentative if you ask me. The Stauskas three got the swag going for a few but that momentum is gone already.