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Beat Ohio * Game Thread

Glad we won.. We can get better which is good... For all the bitching i have been texting my friends about defensive rebounding the totals were 28 O$U to 27 Michigan and Michigan had a 11-9 edge on the offensive glass... Glad we won.. Wanted a blowout though.. Damn the Big ten is so darn good.. Some kids need to make better decisions but tonight was better then at Indiana... Man did Timmy save the day tonight... I thought he deserved the last shot and a chance to win the game not Burke...
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Just watched the highlights on SC. When Burke hustled down the court, and knocked the ball out of Craft's hands with 20 seconds left, it looked like he knocked it off Craft's knee. Another call I think the refs missed.
we need the wisconsin win badly....

I hate to say this but after a 10 day stretch like we're in the middle of...losing by 10+ in the brez is not out of the question. The guys will be tired and worn down. Maybe we catch them on a poor shooting night and we get lucky...who knows? But The sparty game is definitely not a sure thing now.

When did you every think it was going to be a sure thing in EL...LOL
Just watched the highlights on SC. When Burke hustled down the court, and knocked the ball out of Craft's hands with 20 seconds left, it looked like he knocked it off Craft's knee. Another call I think the refs missed.

Yes i text a bunch of people that.. I replayed it at the time out... Ball went of Craft.. Terrible call
Missed goal tend and Craft's three pointer that was not off in time... 5 point swing... Missed flagrant . That would have been called on Manny Harris :)
With the flagrant, we get the ball back and probably go back to the line and more time comes off. I do not feel bad for the mugging of Craft at the end.
Well they are probably going to be number 2 but I don't feel like they deserve it at the moment.

That said it's not like OSU is a bad team, they're one of the best around. At the same time, they should be a team that this Michigan team should be able to beat without struggling so hard at home.

Can't really predict where Michigan will be come Monday. They have to beat Wisconsin first

IU has 2 loseable games this week, as well. Michigan could be ranked lower if they lose to UW or they could be #1 again.
we need the wisconsin win badly....

I hate to say this but after a 10 day stretch like we're in the middle of...losing by 10+ in the brez is not out of the question. The guys will be tired and worn down. Maybe we catch them on a poor shooting night and we get lucky...who knows? But The sparty game is definitely not a sure thing now.

Harris and Trice are banged up. THat might play a hand in Sparty's next 3 games or so. We'll see how healthy they are. You just know they'll come to play on tuesday night, though.
Just watched the highlights on SC. When Burke hustled down the court, and knocked the ball out of Craft's hands with 20 seconds left, it looked like he knocked it off Craft's knee. Another call I think the refs missed.

Yep, they mentioned this on the broadcast.

I think OSU and Craft made a large tactical error starting with that play. Craft forgot that Thomas is their go to guy and started to think that he was. On this play, he thought to go coast to coast and had it stripped out of his hands. Then the 2nd to last OSU possession in OT, he drove and stopped and tried to shoot and Burke blocked it from behind and then the last possession, he again decided that he was the best player on the court and tried to go coast to coast and got stopped again. Craft should've been looking for Thomas on all 3 of those plays.
Did Thomas touch it once in the OT? Or was Craft too busy going MJ?
Did Thomas touch it once in the OT? Or was Craft too busy going MJ?

Come to think of it, I don't think he took another shot after he missed that one in regulation badly, then got the ball back out of pure luck and sunk a 3 pointer. He might've touched it after that, but I don't think he shot it.
osu was shooting better than they normally too

out it all together and we had the excitement and near heart attacks like in football
In that situation, I knew the second three Thomas got was going down. Nik really needs to play within himself sometimes. He needed to just chill out, hold the ball for a second, and get it to Burke. You gotta know there are still some guys around the rim after a shot. No need to rush, up 3 with a couple minutes left.
I still can't get over Vitale repeating "you gotta call that" after showing the final play replay but them having no problem with the flagrant not being called because that was "letting the players decide it". Such a double standard. I know this has been discussed but that last Craft play should've never even been an issue. Not to mention the obvious offensive goal tend and the shot clock violation that weren't called. I've never been still fired up this much after a W, ha.
I still can't get over Vitale repeating "you gotta call that" after showing the final play replay but them having no problem with the flagrant not being called because that was "letting the players decide it". Such a double standard. I know this has been discussed but that last Craft play should've never even been an issue. Not to mention the obvious offensive goal tend and the shot clock violation that weren't called. I've never been still fired up this much after a W, ha.

I know I just watched the end of the game on BTN and Vitale should shut up Ohio * got several calls that game that had they been called correct it would never have even gone to OT. I will never understand how Craft is allowed to hand check and grab as much as he does. They all say he plays amazing defense and he is good but he gets away with contact a ton.