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Beat Ohio * Game Thread

In all honesty, I think your team is significantly better than ours this year. We just don't have the shooters to be a top flight team this season. Still they are fighting hard to stay in this one which is a good sign. At Illinois we got trounced.
McGary gets better every game

I really think he is gonna have to log some significantly more minutes than usual for us to win this game. That high screen plays much better against the bucknuts when he is in the game.
In all honesty, I think your team is significantly better than ours this year. We just don't have the shooters to be a top flight team this season. Still they are fighting hard to stay in this one which is a good sign. At Illinois we got trounced.

Good game so far. Better start for M than in C'bus or Bloomington. Still a whole second half too.
have to be careful with just putting threes up there

dont waste those
We really didnt play well the last 8 min and Ohio made some tough shots. And we are getting beat on the boards. McGary had a great half to keep us in it.
our guys have to stop getting beat off the dribble so bad...because we don't play with two big men traditionally..if our big man has to play help defense..other teams just crash the board hard..and it's working
our guys have to stop getting beat off the dribble so bad...because we don't play with two big men traditionally..if our big man has to play help defense..other teams just crash the board hard..and it's working

Good observation. I'd like to see us go to the 1-3-1 a bit more
I don't really know how they are behind at half? They were dominant...just missing some jumpers again and OSU is shooting 50% somehow.
I like the flow better than past games. Come out and take the first punch and counter like hell. Go into defensive mode for a while and then lose a bit of confidence, then halftime.
If we lose this game, everybody, including Belein, needs to be flogged and beaten. It would be totally unacceptable with this team being ten times better than last years.
Wow OSU only has two players that can shoot from outside. Drop in, play some zone and make them chuck it up.
If we lose this game, everybody, including Belein, needs to be flogged and beaten. It would be totally unacceptable with this team being ten times better than last years.

I think what we are seeing is that the youth shows when a team is able to match us athletically....ala Ohio and Indiana. Still a whole other half to play......we'll see.