If you kept going, there were plenty of real person articles. I'm pretty sure somewhere in that thread I called it 'death by 1,000 cuts'.
So, now you can go collet $10 from whoever you bet you could get me to copy/paste that stuff
You didn?t provide the links on your paste but that?s OK.
A few times, people who knew with me by my name but had never met me told me they had thought I was a black guy ? based on my name.
I only bought a used car once. The guy who sold it to me was a black guy.
I was a schoolteacher for one year. I didn?t have a single black kid, and since the examples you use differentiate Hispanics from white people, I also didn?t have a single white student. 100% of my kids grew up in homes with the home language being Spanish.
I don?t know anything about the customer surveys and again I don?t have the link.
It looks like any wrongdoings regarding Wells Fargo and Bank of America or remedied under the law - That?s what I?m talking about when I say if we find actual cases of discrimination we should address it.
The mechanical crosswalk machine discriminates against Black people? That sounds wacky. I got to go back and look at that link.
I have no idea why medical students would think what they think about various ethnic groups. We do know that People in different ethnic groups are more susceptible to some maladies than others.
I don?t know why first responders with all back on the pain meds for anybody
Countrywide was an evil organization. Angelo Mazilo should be serving life in prison.
In conclusion, there is nothing in my life that suggests that I have been a tremendous beneficiary of being white.
Again, people who only know me by my name and have never met me tend to think I?m black.