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Border chaos

If its literally the same thing we've been dealing with for the last 60 years.... is it really still considered chaos? If you know what's going to happen... be ready.... then it won't be chaotic.
If its literally the same thing we've been dealing with for the last 60 years.... is it really still considered chaos? If you know what's going to happen... be ready.... then it won't be chaotic.
They say it's chaos, so that makes it real. Their politicians talk about it a lot, so it must be what they say. They would never LIE, or EXAGGERATE or anything like that, only Democrats do that.

Most incompetent administration and worst president in US history. #Buck Fiden

1) America destabilizes Latin American countries by overthrowing democratically elected governments. The most relevent recent example to this crisis is here, but a lot of the people stuck in Matamoros are also Haitian. We also did that.

2) People flee those countries, seeking safety, jobs, food, shelter, water, etc. They - logically - try to go to the closest place that can provide those things in abundance

3) American employers - typically large corporations or factory farms hiring through subcontractor cutouts to give them plausible deniability - want exactly this to happen because they want labor they can exploit because it's "illegal" and not legally authorized to be in the U.S., or here on tenuous grounds.

4) Knowing they look bad exploiting workers for profit, and not hiring and paying Americans fair wages, these same corporations fund PR agencies and "news" reports that skew the debate & focus blame and anger at the immigrants themselves, rather than the people who gave rise to those conditions and those profiting from it.

This is the part where you guys screaming about "border chaos" fit in:

5) those easily swayed and manipulated in the American public (i.e. YOU) demand the government clamp down on and throw out these same immigrants, rather than providing paths to legal residency and citizenship, with all the protections that affords these people at law, allowing those same corporations to continue to exploit their immigrant labor, often brutally.
Robert F. Kennedy says he'll make the boarder impervious. It's a damn shame he doesn't stand a snow balls change in hell at getting the D nomination, I'd even consider voting for him over Trump or DeSantis.
1) America destabilizes Latin American countries by overthrowing democratically elected governments. The most relevent recent example to this crisis is here, but a lot of the people stuck in Matamoros are also Haitian. We also did that.

2) People flee those countries, seeking safety, jobs, food, shelter, water, etc. They - logically - try to go to the closest place that can provide those things in abundance

3) American employers - typically large corporations or factory farms hiring through subcontractor cutouts to give them plausible deniability - want exactly this to happen because they want labor they can exploit because it's "illegal" and not legally authorized to be in the U.S., or here on tenuous grounds.

4) Knowing they look bad exploiting workers for profit, and not hiring and paying Americans fair wages, these same corporations fund PR agencies and "news" reports that skew the debate & focus blame and anger at the immigrants themselves, rather than the people who gave rise to those conditions and those profiting from it.

This is the part where you guys screaming about "border chaos" fit in:

5) those easily swayed and manipulated in the American public (i.e. YOU) demand the government clamp down on and throw out these same immigrants, rather than providing paths to legal residency and citizenship, with all the protections that affords these people at law, allowing those same corporations to continue to exploit their immigrant labor, often brutally.

How many are you taking in?
1) blah, blah, blah
2) blah, blah, blah
3) blah, blah, blah
4) blah, blah, blah

This is the part where you guys screaming about "border chaos" fit in:

5) those easily swayed and manipulated in the American public (i.e. YOU) demand the government clamp down on and throw out these same immigrants, rather than providing paths to legal residency and citizenship, with all the protections that affords these people at law, allowing those same corporations to continue to exploit their immigrant labor, often brutally.

Except there IS a path to legal residence and citizenship. It takes more than wanting to come to America to become a citizen - people who come here illegally don't and shouldn't have the same rights citizens and legal aliens have. All people want is for the government to enforce the laws on the books, properly vet immigrants and have everyone follow the law. If you enforce the laws on the books and secure the border, then there's no immigrant labor force to exploit. If you don't allow illegal immigrants to stay here, then there is no illegal labor force undercutting wages.
I don't think I could simply stroll into Mexico.

Yes... you can.

You park in San Ysidro... walk across unchecked bridge.

Hop in a cab on Mexico side.

Done. Thousands do it every night.
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Yes... you can.

You park in San Ysidro... walk across unchecked bridge.

Hop in a cab on Mexico side.

Done. Thousands do it every night.

It's even easier to drive from Brownsville, TX, USA to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico: get in your car and drive across the border.

Passport checks are random and so rare - especially if you have a US license plate - as to essentially be non-existent.

You may see some trouble driving through more rural areas MX with US plates, but that has nothing to do with border security...
is "socialistic" even a word?

if it is, would that mean "republitardistic" is a word too?
is "socialistic" even a word?

if it is, would that mean "republitardistic" is a word too?

Sure socialistic is a word.

Bunch of on line dictionaries define it as adhering to the tenets of socialism.

Everybody here understands what Republitard means, but it apparently hasn?t been brought into the common nomenclature, according to those same online dictionaries.

Still, if you want to use republitardistic, I?m pretty sure everybody here will get your drift.
Reading accounts of homeless vets evicted from NY hotels, wedding hotel bookings being cancelled in favor of housing illegal immigrants, and Eric Adams wants to revoke NYCs "sanctuary" status for illegal immigrants, due to the "influx."

"No one thought they would be dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion," said Adams.

He's right: "No one thought."
Reading accounts of homeless vets evicted from NY hotels, wedding hotel bookings being cancelled in favor of housing illegal immigrants, and Eric Adams wants to revoke NYCs "sanctuary" status for illegal immigrants, due to the "influx."

"No one thought they would be dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion," said Adams.

He's right: "No one thought."

I wonder if anyone reminded him that "no human is illegal."
he is a Christian, right? Surely he understands that's consistent with the message of Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior. And yours too, right?

Jesus acknowledged and accepted the concept of nations.