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Brandon increased marijuna/drug testing frequency and penalties

I'd say there were 2 periods in my life where I had groups of friends and some started smoking weed for the 1st time in their lives and some didn't, high school and undergrad. It was a bigger social divider in high school and the 2 groups (smokers and non-smokers) actually drifted apart. The achiever/non-achiever divide was clear, both times. And as things progressed, the number of pot smokers in my professional circle has dropped off. I only knew one guy working towards a PhD that was still smoking pot and I don't think that he ever graduated. I'm not counting people that tried it or even people that had used it regularly and then given it up. Those people existed, but I literally don't know anyone that used it through the process and finished. Granted, it might be different in other fields.

Maybe it's different in Colorado where "everybody" does it, so there isn't a division or stigma.? I mean you're describing a very common experience where -- just as with alcohol -- there is the insecurity and peer pressure side of it and overall time period of adolescence or college.

I didn't really smoke weed much before the summer following high school but saw plenty of people have issues in college because of the "freedoms" they suddenly had.

In fact, a buddy of mine who was a 4-sport letterman in HS and who started smoking when I did, flunked out of WMU as a second year student because he couldn't keep his shit straight. We've since reconnected through Facebook but I would say his life would have been very, very different had he never smoked weed.

Same thing with my father if he'd never picked up a beer.

actually, after reading Red's post, I think that pre-highschool graduation / post highschool graduation is a distinction that needs to be made.

- I know very few people that smoked regularly in high school that went on to do anything interesting or anything that actually required a college or graduate degree. (still I knew a couple)

- But once people made it to college, it seemed like it wasn't a factor in future success. anyone who made it to Michigan was responsible enough to handle it, so whether they smoked or not didn't really matter

The people I know who flunked out of college were going to do so regardless, and alcohol abuse was more a factor anyways...
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I don't smoke it and haven't for over twenty years, but I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to smoke it.

I will tell you this though, my oldest son sneakily made some pot brownies as my wife and I were gone. As we came in to this house I noticed the smell in the house and asked what the smell was? He gave some lame excuse and I believed him until I found him hiding a shitload of brownies in his bottom drawer. Well, I confiscated them and they sat In my closet for about a month. One morning I woke up and had a terrible headache and decided to eat a few to help relieve the pain. Needless to say they were measured for a small amount for a buzz effect. I ate three. It knocked me on my ASS for three days. It was the worst ass kicking I ever had and I don't recommend it for anyone. The kids laughed at the old man. I disposed of them the next day. I'm telling you it was some powerful stuff.

So you ate some moldy pot brownies and got sick? You shouldnt be surprised. Brownies, potfilled or otherwise, do have a shelflife and shouldn't be stored in your closet for a month and then eaten. They contain milk and eggs.
So you ate some moldy pot brownies and got sick? You shouldnt be surprised. Brownies, potfilled or otherwise, do have a shelflife and shouldn't be stored in your closet for a month and then eaten. They contain milk and eggs.

I thought the same thing. Brownies start to get hard as rock after a couple of days. How did he choke down 3 that were month+ old? Also why would you keep them around? If I found brownies that my kid was hiding in a drawer in his room, I wouldn't keep them, and under no circumstance would I eat them myself.
So you ate some moldy pot brownies and got sick? You shouldnt be surprised. Brownies, potfilled or otherwise, do have a shelflife and shouldn't be stored in your closet for a month and then eaten. They contain milk and eggs.

He had them wrapped tight and they weren't moldy and I wasn't sick. He multiplied the oil to high concentrated levels from his original recipe. You weren't just catching a buzz off of one square. You were getting hammered. Now I smoked a lot of pot when I was younger, but nothing had ever affected me as this stuff had. It was more of an hallucination trip.
He had them wrapped tight and they weren't moldy and I wasn't sick. He multiplied the oil to high concentrated levels from his original recipe. You weren't just catching a buzz off of one square. You were getting hammered. Now I smoked a lot of pot when I was younger, but nothing had ever affected me as this stuff had. It was more of an hallucination trip.

There may have been more potent drugs in there. Sounds like magical mushroom brownies.
Appropo of everything, today is 4/20. So stock up on some dank beers, order a pizza, and take monster bong hits until you see stars and pass out giggling. Cheers!
Man, I can't even remember my last bong hit.

Hope it wasn't last night *or* I really have a problem.
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He had them wrapped tight and they weren't moldy and I wasn't sick. He multiplied the oil to high concentrated levels from his original recipe. You weren't just catching a buzz off of one square. You were getting hammered. Now I smoked a lot of pot when I was younger, but nothing had ever affected me as this stuff had. It was more of an hallucination trip.

OK, bro. DO me a favor. Wrap up a piece of bread...real tight. Put it in your closet and then a month later, eat it and tell me how you feel afterward.
OK, bro. DO me a favor. Wrap up a piece of bread...real tight. Put it in your closet and then a month later, eat it and tell me how you feel afterward.

I'll ask him what the ingredients were. They certainly didn't look or taste bad.

You pot smoking hippies!