yeah see that privilege is null when the communications are in furtherance of a crime or not related to legal matters being handled in the role of attorney. so lawyers - actual attorneys protecting clients - still enjoy the exact same privilege. In order to get a warrant in the first place - because of the sensitivity towards attorney-client privilege - you have to overcome a higher standard than a typical warrant. Judges don't like issuing them unless they have to ...and this judge had to.
"I'm going to arm myself with an AR-15 and go shoot people on the 16th street mall after lunch, but you're my lawyer so you can't say anything because of attorney-client"
not how that works.
remains to be seen, lets see the GD evidence already after over a fucking year!!!@!#
bunch of GD bullshet if ya ask me. Sessions should never have recused himself, they played him right into that one.
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