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Culture Thread: Libtards and Republitards are Killing the US

LOL, uofm spends $250mm on DEI to make students and faculty unhappier.

Some gems from the article
- When schools & other instittutions pulled back on the DEI grift, uofm doubled down spending $250mm since 2016.
- The university has 241 employees working in DEI offices or have one of those words in their job titles.
- Each department MUST have a DEI action plan
- a 2022 survey indicated students & faculty across the board reported a less positive campus climate and less sense of belonging vs. prior to instituting the program
- Race and gender based grievances have actually increased w/ students filing more complaints than ever before

Who could have seen this coming, that granting victim/oppressor status merely by dint of birth would actually create greater racial and gender division among the population?
LOL, uofm spends $250mm on DEI to make students and faculty unhappier.

Some gems from the article
- When schools & other instittutions pulled back on the DEI grift, uofm doubled down spending $250mm since 2016.
- The university has 241 employees working in DEI offices or have one of those words in their job titles.
- Each department MUST have a DEI action plan
- a 2022 survey indicated students & faculty across the board reported a less positive campus climate and less sense of belonging vs. prior to instituting the program
- Race and gender based grievances have actually increased w/ students filing more complaints than ever before

Who could have seen this coming, that granting victim/oppressor status merely by dint of birth would actually create greater racial and gender division among the population?

Just saying: DEI translates as God in Latin. Transpose the E and the I and you get "DIE". Michigan's motto contradicts DEI. The campus had its weird vibe in the '70s, but you could stay out of its way. Now, it seeks you out. My detachment from the university and to all it offers increases. Requests to join the Alumni Association get recycled unopened. So do the LSA and History magazines that are mailed to me.

When you combine hubris with entitlement, the combination "toxifies" the environment.
Just saying: DEI translates as God in Latin. Transpose the E and the I and you get "DIE". Michigan's motto contradicts DEI. The campus had its weird vibe in the '70s, but you could stay out of its way. Now, it seeks you out. My detachment from the university and to all it offers increases. Requests to join the Alumni Association get recycled unopened. So do the LSA and History magazines that are mailed to me.

When you combine hubris with entitlement, the combination "toxifies" the environment.
there's a funny potential joke here of someone confusing "Opus Dei" with "DEI" and showing up at the wrong meeting.

Of course, left unsaid while retards loudly complain about DEI on campuses (before that it was CRT... they love picking an acronym to get upset about), is UM's increasing interconnection with the Department of Defense on surveillance and AI targeting of civilians, the inexcusable crackdowns on free speech on campus, and the undignified gloating on Twitter by one of our regents in the Diag after the encampments were taken down last Spring. The slide toward the stench of corporatism (aka facism) in America continues unabated, despite the relative pittance thrown at foolish initiatives like DEI.

I'll probably re-up my alumni association membership next spring, but I'm not going to keep sending them a check every year... I was already limiting it to need-based student assistance, but it's all one big pot in the end.
$250mm spent by one university on what can only be described as a massive failure (and racist, sexist & bigoted) is in your mind, a pittance.

‘Why are we complaining about DEI when universities are violating people’s 1st amendment rights by cracking down on them for harassing and assaulting Jews. F’n corporations!!!’ - Michchamp.

Good take moron.
$250mm spent by one university on what can only be described as a massive failure (and racist, sexist & bigoted) is in your mind, a pittance.

‘Why are we complaining about DEI when universities are violating people’s 1st amendment rights by cracking down on them for harassing and assaulting Jews. F’n corporations!!!’ - Michchamp.

Good take moron.
This is but a sliver of the situation. And the DoD has infested several campuses in Michigan. The alliance of corporations and government is not good for "We the People."
there's a funny potential joke here of someone confusing "Opus Dei" with "DEI" and showing up at the wrong meeting.

Of course, left unsaid while retards loudly complain about DEI on campuses (before that it was CRT... they love picking an acronym to get upset about), is UM's increasing interconnection with the Department of Defense on surveillance and AI targeting of civilians, the inexcusable crackdowns on free speech on campus, and the undignified gloating on Twitter by one of our regents in the Diag after the encampments were taken down last Spring. The slide toward the stench of corporatism (aka facism) in America continues unabated, despite the relative pittance thrown at foolish initiatives like DEI.

I'll probably re-up my alumni association membership next spring, but I'm not going to keep sending them a check every year... I was already limiting it to need-based student assistance, but it's all one big pot in the end.
DIE (sic) in its own way limits free expression with its "you must assimilate" ethos.
DIE (sic) in its own way limits free expression with its "you must assimilate" ethos.
I'm genuinely curious if DEI is somehow unique from the same inclusiveness campaigns universities have been running for decades now.

Or is it just the latest bogeyman being used to "other" the left from Fox News viewers?

What is it exactly and why is it bad?