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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

November 26 in Tigers and mlb history:

1950 - The Gillette Safety Razor Co. signs a six-year deal, worth an estimated $6 million, with Major League Baseball for the TV-radio rights for the World Series.

1996 - Less than three weeks after major league owners voted 18-12 against ratification of baseball's new collective bargaining agreement, owners vote again and this time approve it by a vote of 26-4. The landmark agreement brings interleague play to the regular season for the first time, as well as revenue sharing among owners and a payroll tax on players.

1999 - Arbitrator Alan Symonette rejects the owners' attempt to dismiss the umpires' grievance, giving the 22 umps booted as a result of last season's disastrous mass resignation strategy a chance to get their jobs back. Symonette will hear the grievance beginning December 13th.

Tigers players birthdays:

John Kerr 1923-1924.

Richie Hebner 1980-1982.

Mike Moore 1993-1995.

Tigers players who passed away:

Hub Walker 1931, 1935, 1945.

from baseball reference
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