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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

January 30 in Tigers and mlb history:

1926 - The Major League Rules Committee agrees that pitchers may have access to a rosin bag. On February 8, the American League will refuse to permit its use, but on April 28th, the league will give in and allow a rosin bag on the field, but discourage its use by players. The Committee also discusses the possible elimination of the intentional walk, a topic that has come up before, by making the pitcher throw to the batter. Calling a balk on the catcher if he steps out of his box has not eliminated the intentional walk as intended. No action is taken however.

1958 - Commissioner Ford Frick announces that players and coaches, rather than the fans, will vote on selections for the All-Star Game. The vote will not return to the fans until 1970, when Commissioner Bowie Kuhn reverses Frick's action. The decision is a reaction to alleged ballot box stuffing by Cincinnati fans before last year's All-Star Game.

1964 - The United States Senate Subcommittee on Monopolies begins hearings on baseball.

1978: Former pitcher Addie Joss and former executive Larry MacPhail are voted into the Hall of Fame by the Special Veterans Committee.

Tigers players birthdays:

Walt Dropo 1952-1954.

Sandy Amoros 1960.

Dave Stegman 1978-1980.

from Baseball Reference

Thanks for posting all of these articles all winter long. It's nice to read about our Tigers every morning without having to sift through every web site on the internet!