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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

September 10 in Tigers and mlb history:

1908: Detroit takes its 2nd straight extra-inning game from the White Sox, 6 - 5, in 11 innings, and the Naps beat the Browns, 5 - 2. The American League race leaves Detroit 75-52, Chicago 72-57, St. Louis 71-57.

1960 - In Detroit, Mickey Mantle unloads a cannon shot for three runs in the 6th inning, the ball clearing the RF roof and landing in the Brooks Lumber Yard across Trumbull Avenue. New York pins a 5 - 1 loss on Paul Foytack that moves them a half game in first place ahead of Baltimore, losers today.
In June, 1985, Mantle's blow will retroactively be measured at 643 feet, and will be listed in The Guinness Book of World Records at that distance.

1962: Against Hank Aguirre, Mickey Mantle clouts a 4th-inning home run, the 400th of his career to tie the game 1 - 1. The Yanks score two in the 9th off Aguirre to beat Detroit 3 - 1.

1963 - 50 years ago today, the great Willie Horton made his major league debut in a Tigers uniform.

1999: Umpires opposed to union chief Richie Phillips announce plans to form a new union and seek certification to represent all umpires.

Tigers players birthdays:

Sammie Hale 1920-1921.

Augie Johns 1926-1927.

Bruce Robbins 1979-1980.

Ricardo Ingram 1994.

Tigers players who passed away:

Roy Johnson 1929-1932.

from baseball reference