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Detroit Tigers Team Notes Over 3 Million Views!!! Thankyou!

Signed RHP Mike Pelfrey to a two-year deal worth $16 million. [12/4].
Ponder this: what is Pelfrey good at? Not staying on the field?he missed most of the 2014 and 2012 campaigns; not eating innings?he hasn't topped 170 since 2011; not striking out batters?his career-high is six per nine; and certainly not posting shiny ERA?last season's 4.26 mark is the closest he's gotten to the league-average over a full season since 2010. You might say keeping the ball in the park and/or on the ground, and those are fair (and technically correct) guesses. But the top answer, it turns out, is signing widely panned two-year contracts with American League Central teams.