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fat piece of shit apologizes to law student


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/03/us-usa-contraception-limbaugh-idUSTRE8220T220120303

think the GOP took him aside and said "You're costing us the entire women vote!!! STFU ASSHOLE!" ?

I do.

this doesn't change my opinion of him; I still hope he dies soon.

if only he had given his opinion in this manner the first time, he wouldn't be having any problems.
Fuckin wimpy if you ask me. He should have stuck to his guns, like this guy - this guy never apologized for what he said here once.
"In an attempt to be humorous", when has that fat fuck ever been the least bit funny?
MI_Thumb said:
"In an attempt to be humorous", when has that fat fuck ever been the least bit funny?

When he called the chick a slut, and said she should make sex tapes in exchange for contraceptives.
Rush doesn't care what he says and he probably doesn't even believe what he says.

It's all about ratings and $$$$$. He probably doesn't give a shit about this country.
Rush is acting like he said 1 word, he went on a serious multi day rant about this girl. He crossed the line and then doubled down, just because conservatives never say they're sorry. Then he played the victim card too. How much you want to bet that despite the apology, Rush will still say some stupid things about her next week, he just can't help himself.

Why on earth the Republicans want to make Birth Control a 2012 campaign issue I have no idea.
I still find it hillarious that he thought it cost her more money for contraceptives because she was having more sex. Cause you obviously take more birth control if you have more sex.....what a dumb fuck.
Does this really surprise anyone what he said? He was just being honest as the spokesman for the GOP. This is what the GOP thinks of women and Rush was just stating the obvious Republican position. I especially was moved when he called for her to make sex videos and post them on the web so he could view them in exchange for contraception.
"Rush Limbaugh couldn't deliver a pizza, let alone a vote" -

(shaggy haired unshaven) Republican Stragetist Mike Murphy, this morning on Meet the Press.

Rush Limbaugh is not and has never been the spokesperson for shit.

Except for the power to buy more crap for himself than most of us have, Rush Limbaugh has zero power and influence.

The typical yahoo who thinks Rush Limbaugh is tits would believe what he or she believes with or without Rush Limbaugh, just like the typical yahoo who believes Bill Maher is tits would believe what he or she believes with or without Bill Maher.

If anything good comes out of this, it's that Rush Limbaugh is being exposed for what he is, which is just a show biz guy and not the leader of shit, just like Bill Maher, Ann Coulter, Howard Stern, or Snooki.

And that's only marginally good anyway, because anybody who knows shit has known this all along.
not a huge fan of Michael Moore but, his tweet was just about perfect and actually makes more sense than Rush did...

"Rush - As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who's the prostitute now, bitch?"
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]not a huge fan of Michael Moore but, his tweet was just about perfect and actually makes more sense than Rush did...

"Rush - As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who's the prostitute now, bitch?"

That's funny, too, Monster, I don't do twitter, and I don't pay attention to Michael Moore much either, but could you start posting whatever funny shit Michael Moore tweets?"

I like to read/hear funny shit, no matter who says it.
i don't really use twitter either, just saw an article about him responding.
While I'm fairly libertarian, I wouldn't mind seeing the government subsidizing all the contraception for people who can't afford it that those people want.

If people can't even afford contraception, as a safety net society we sure can't afford to have those people getting pregnant.
[color=#551A8B said:
TinselWolverine[/color]]While I'm fairly libertarian, I wouldn't mind seeing the government subsidizing all the contraception for people who can't afford it that those people want.

If people can't even afford contraception, as a safety net society we sure can't afford to have those people getting pregnant.

yeah, we have a huge problem right now with too many abortions and too many kids in the foster system. You would think Birth Control would be a GOOD thing...but because of this religious right wing movement, it's starting to be vilified.
johnny2x2x said:
Does this really surprise anyone what he said? He was just being honest as the spokesman for the GOP. This is what the GOP thinks of women and Rush was just stating the obvious Republican position. I especially was moved when he called for her to make sex videos and post them on the web so he could view them in exchange for contraception.

You make yourself sound fucking stupid when you say shit like this. I can only imagine you're doing it for no other reason than to get a rise. Bravo for you, you ignoramous.
KAWDUP said:
johnny2x2x said:
Does this really surprise anyone what he said? He was just being honest as the spokesman for the GOP. This is what the GOP thinks of women and Rush was just stating the obvious Republican position. I especially was moved when he called for her to make sex videos and post them on the web so he could view them in exchange for contraception.

You make yourself sound fucking stupid when you say shit like this. I can only imagine you're doing it for no other reason than to get a rise. Bravo for you, you ignoramous.

Maybe so KAWDUP, however, the identical post could be satiric, "an attempt at humor."

Obviously the GOP isn't anti-women, there are millions of women who are Republican, and likely mllions of them have used contraception in their lives.

I actually do agree with Rush on one thing; I very strongly am in favor of sex videos on the web.

Edit: You watch, Maher is gonna steal this line, if he didn't already; I don't know, I didn't see the show from Friday...
[color=#551A8B said:

... there are millions of women who are Republican, and likely mllions of them have used contraception in their lives.


really? like the Eva Braun types?
... there are millions of women who are Republican, and likely mllions of them have used contraception in their lives.


really? like the Eva Braun types?

Wasn't her partner actually a homosexual?

It doesn't number in the millions, but in my life I've had personal knowledge of let's say a few Republican women who used contraception themselves...
MichChamp02 said:
[color=#551A8B said:

... there are millions of women who are Republican, and likely mllions of them have used contraception in their lives.


really? like the Eva Braun types?[/quote]

You seem to have an obsession with Hitler and Nazi's the last days. Someone piss in your cheerios last week?