I'm not an expert in elections law. in past elections in Chicago though, I registered, received notice of my polling place by mail, went there and used something (pretty much anything) to establish my ID... it could be the "where to vote" notice itself, utility bill, etc.
it worked fine. now you have all these dickbag Republicans claiming voter fraud is a major issue - WITHOUT PRESENTING ANY EVIDENCE THAT STOOD UP TO SCRUTINY - and ramming all these bills through state legislatures. Yet, there is plenty of evidence that has stood up to scrutiny that these laws make voting more difficult for blocks of the population that do not tend to vote Republican.
yes, because there's no evidence it prevents any harm, or provides any other benefit, other than preventing the occasional, rare, and statistically insignificant voting error. it's not worth the cost. See the study I posted in this thread if you care, or just keep pretending it doesn't exist and hoping other posters show up to shout it down and defend the myth that voter fraud is a problem.