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Flex game on the 23rd...


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Do you think they would put the Lions on for the Sunday night game when we are playing on Thanksgiving 3 days later? As much as I would like to watch the Lions on Sunday night. I think it would make the next game very difficult to win.
Quite a dilemma for the NFL. I'd say the only other games potentially worth flexing would be Arizona-Seattle and maybe Miami-Denver. Both Seattle and Detroit play on Thanksgiving, however Seattle has a later game that day anyway so it might not be an issue.
Denver makes the most sense. One of the most popular teams in the NFL and one of the best QBs in the history of the NFL. That would be my #1 choice.
Denver-Miami Game is protected by CBS.

I don't think the NFL would be too concerned with flexing to Sunday Night. Right now Dallas is the Sunday night game on the 23rd and obviously they play the next Thursday.

That said Giants and Cowboys are two teams with huge followings. I'm thinking they will not flex.
In the end we're talking about 6 more hours of recovery, it's not like they're moving to Monday night.
I already debated if we were going to flex. Looking at the remaining games I just don't see it. The New England week was a possibility but I don't see the league taking off a cowboys/giants market game. There's a lot of money there.
Denver-Miami Game is protected by CBS.

I don't think the NFL would be too concerned with flexing to Sunday Night. Right now Dallas is the Sunday night game on the 23rd and obviously they play the next Thursday.

That said Giants and Cowboys are two teams with huge followings. I'm thinking they will not flex.

heck no...not with those two teams! Division game and two of the biggest draws.
I forget which team it was..maybe the Saints, but the coach made a stink because they had to play Sunday night and the following Thursday. I don't think the NFL likes to do it..
And to be honestly I don't know why anyone wants them on Sunday night rather than the day..Unless you're out of state maybe.
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And to be honestly I don't know why anyone wants them on Sunday night rather than the day..Unless you're out of state maybe.

Not a ton of day light this time of year. I don't get much done at all outside on a Sunday unless it's a night game or I set a alarm (yeah fucking right).
Not a ton of day light this time of year. I don't get much done at all outside on a Sunday unless it's a night game or I set a alarm (yeah fucking right).

Maybe you should the moonlight during the short day part of the year as a skip tracer.

Almost all of that work gets done in the dark hours, and actually usually in the middle of the night.
Not a ton of day light this time of year. I don't get much done at all outside on a Sunday unless it's a night game or I set a alarm (yeah fucking right).

I rarely watch the second 1/2 of any Thursday, Sunday or Monday night game. I usually just go to bed.
hate to say it but Lions are still a team the NFL cares little to appease except for honoring their annual Turkey Day game. they will need to win at least 2 super bowls within 5 years to even begin a change in perception...and probably have to part ways with Suh as well.

lions just are not a "media darling" and have little following. hell, in NYC you are lucky to find a baseball hat with a lions logo...and even CJ jerseys are basically non-existent. same in pretty much every state along the east coast from what I've seen. cowboys, steelers, niners, packers, bears, giants, patriots, are pretty normal to see. some teams are beloved nationwide, others are bastardized...and it takes years of winning and developing a following to change those perceptions, coupled with some feel good stories which the lions rarely generate.
hate to say it but Lions are still a team the NFL cares little to appease except for honoring their annual Turkey Day game. they will need to win at least 2 super bowls within 5 years to even begin a change in perception...and probably have to part ways with Suh as well.

lions just are not a "media darling" and have little following. hell, in NYC you are lucky to find a baseball hat with a lions logo...and even CJ jerseys are basically non-existent. same in pretty much every state along the east coast from what I've seen. cowboys, steelers, niners, packers, bears, giants, patriots, are pretty normal to see. some teams are beloved nationwide, others are bastardized...and it takes years of winning and developing a following to change those perceptions, coupled with some feel good stories which the lions rarely generate.

When you are a laughing stock of the league for 6 decades you don't get a lot of respect.
hate to say it but Lions are still a team the NFL cares little to appease except for honoring their annual Turkey Day game. they will need to win at least 2 super bowls within 5 years to even begin a change in perception...and probably have to part ways with Suh as well.

lions just are not a "media darling" and have little following. hell, in NYC you are lucky to find a baseball hat with a lions logo...and even CJ jerseys are basically non-existent. same in pretty much every state along the east coast from what I've seen. cowboys, steelers, niners, packers, bears, giants, patriots, are pretty normal to see. some teams are beloved nationwide, others are bastardized...and it takes years of winning and developing a following to change those perceptions, coupled with some feel good stories which the lions rarely generate.

I disagree. The NFL tried to give us a chance to take that leap forward and we blew it. After we made the playoffs in 2011 they put us in primetime 4 times in 2012. We had a Sunday night game against SF, a Monday night game against Chicago, a Sunday night game against GB, our usual turkey day game and a Saturday night game against Atlanta. So they said here's your chance to impress the country because you have big name superstars and we went 4-12. And then they rightfully put us back into our "not ready for primetime" position.
Not a ton of day light this time of year. I don't get much done at all outside on a Sunday unless it's a night game or I set a alarm (yeah fucking right).

Sunday.. no need to get things done. If you're religious its Mass/Church and then Football. If not religious it's sleep in and then football. On the 7th day God slept in and then created football.
cowboys giants kept it....

Patriots-Lions game will remain at 1 p.m.

November, 11, 2014
Nov 11



FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- With the surging Detroit Lions off to a 7-2 start and one of the surprise stories of the NFC, and the New England Patriots currently atop the AFC with a 7-2 record, the Nov. 23 game between the teams is more attractive to the league's television partners than perhaps initially anticipated.

With this in mind, some had asked the question of whether the game might be flexed to a different time slot.

Tuesday marked the deadline for the league and its network partners to make that decision, and the game will stay at its original 1 p.m. ET slot. Fox has the broadcast.

The league announced, via Twitter, that there are no changes to the Week 12 schedule as the Cowboys-Giants game will remain in prime-time.
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Giants (MNF), Falcons in London(national) and Thanksgiving. We still have 3 national games, just the not the usual way of getting them. Could we have one more, sure. But I like the 1 or 4 starts. Pack/Eagles get the national Fox, big fan bases and still a big game too. Same with Indy/Pats. Can't flex MNF since it's a different day so deal with Pit/Ten on Monday. I have Sunday Ticket so don't really care.
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Sunday.. no need to get things done. If you're religious its Mass/Church and then Football. If not religious it's sleep in and then football. On the 7th day God slept in and then created football.

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.

To ultimately create football is the reason that God did the whole "Let There Be Light Thing" at all...

...I can just see God sitting there and the dark, and going all "Hey - Eureka - I Just Had This Incredible Thought - I'm Gonna Create Football - "

Then he thought "Actually - To Make it Feasible - There's a Thing or Two I Gotta Put in Place First..."