But....what if they also took the InfoWars supplements Alex Jones insists will make them healthier? Seems like it could balance it all out. :cheers:
Perhaps but most won't do that, they've all been brainwashed into beveling he should be banned and removed from existence. His Prosta Guard product has 100% of your DV Zinc. No magic bullet but doesn't hurt. IMO. All in all though No it won't help, mRNA is cell manipulation/editing. What could possibly go wrong. Request denied at all cost is my position on the vaccine. Have fun with the unintended unforeseen cytokine storm side effect two years later.
The Africans know what's up. They get it.
Demonstrators in South Africa Wednesday rallied against COVID-19 test trials being carried out by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s GAVI Alliance.
Protesters standing in front of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg where the tests will take place burned their face masks and carried signs blasting GAVI’s choice of the South African people for the continent’s first clinical trials. They know who Gates is.
Watch the history channels hunting Hitler series, it never died it just went underground and changed tactics.
Zinc, Vit D, Vit C, get lots of sun and exercise if you have no underlying conditions or age high risk you'll be fine, it's not the bubonic plague.
Infowars bad, trump bad. Anti-Vaxers bad.
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