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Game 14: Lions @ Titans Thread

it's not just about the QB. The had the #1 overall pick 12 seasons ago, took a QB and haven't won the division once.

Lions finishes with Matt as QB

4th 5x
3rd 3x
2nd 4x
1st 0x

Got to build the defense, run game, weapons, Oline and stay healthy enough

Stafford did his part by far to get them first place finishes. But if they want a fresh start so be it. They better nail QB pretty quickly or it will be 4th place every year and lose by 30 every game
Got to build the defense, run game, weapons, Oline and stay healthy enough

Stafford did his part by far to get them first place finishes. But if they want a fresh start so be it. They better nail QB pretty quickly or it will be 4th place every year and lose by 30 every game

well, hopefully the new GM knows what he is doing in the draft...because GMs over the past 15 years were terrible.
well, hopefully the new GM knows what he is doing in the draft...because GMs over the past 15 years were terrible.

All hired by the Ford Family. What assurances are there that it will get it right this time?
The Fords are part of the problem but there have been GM of Lions football when hired fans thought was a good hire. Same with HC. So if we had a different owner I don't see how it would change. Just got to get lucky with a GM hire.
Trade him now if you can get multiple picks.

Keep him and pick defense if you cant.

None of the owners are very football savvy.

Sheila's turn, all we know is she fired Patricia and hired Spielman to help so so far so good.

And there are alot of good GMs. Sometimes second choice is better too. Caldwell over Whisenhunt

We'll see who they get and what circumstances they have when drafting. Who gets taken before or after, what are the needs at the time, cap circumstances etc. And then injuries and development by coaches once they drafted
Lions fired special teams coordinator Brandon Combs. Apparently he went rogue on the fake punt and didn't inform the coaches and even some of the players on the field about the fake.
Lions fired special teams coordinator Brandon Combs. Apparently he went rogue on the fake punt and didn't inform the coaches and even some of the players on the field about the fake.

If you are going to go for it in that part of your field, just run your damn offense out there.

And when it comes to fake punts, I cannot stand the running version of it. I feel like the punter throwing it works 99/100 times.
Jets!! Jets!! Jets!!

Thought that they were a lock to join the Lions and Browns as the latest entrant into the exclusive 0 fer 16 club, but nooo....they had to go and beat the Rams on the road by 3 points.

Imagine how Jets fans feel now that they also most likely coughed up the #1 pick to the Jags in the '21 draft. Irony of it is that the Lions were the only team to lose to the Rams in '09, preventing that franchise from joining the 0-16 club the very next season.
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You have to wonder how much say the GM have or do the Fords dictate what they can do.
Lions fired special teams coordinator Brandon Combs. Apparently he went rogue on the fake punt and didn't inform the coaches and even some of the players on the field about the fake.
Lets fire our best coach.
Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press reported that the move was an organizational decision that had been building over the course of the year. So it couldn't just because of the fake punt. Last season the ST was terrible, Coombs was hired fixed it I don't get it.
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All hired by the Ford Family. What assurances are there that it will get it right this time?

They had help last time with Accorsi and still couldn?t get it right. If they can?t even make good hires with NFL-recommended consultants, I?m not sure what hope there is for this franchise.
Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press reported that the move was an organizational decision that had been building over the course of the year. So it couldn't just because of the fake punt. Last season the ST was terrible, Coombs was hired fixed it I don't get it.

They have no clue what they’re doing. The HC is already gone and two games are left in a lost season. Just clean house in two weeks...is this supposed to be some kind of statement? Did he personally insult the Ford family or something? I don’t understand the timing of this.
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WCF held onto bad (or maybe one being mediocre) GMs for waay too long, Thomas 22 years, Millen-Mayhew 15 years and Schmidt 11 years. Not a fan of homedomes either. Lions had decades of poor play vs average or better teams on the road, especially during inclement weather and sub-freezing temps.
They have no clue what they?re doing. The HC is already gone and two games are left in a lost season. Just clean house in two weeks...is this supposed to be some kind of statement? Did he personally insult the Ford family or something? I don?t understand the timing of this.
Maybe we need an avatar of Shiela Hemp Ford. Or a Christmas photo of the Ford family.
Maybe we need an avatar of Shiela Hemp Ford. Or a Christmas photo of the Ford family.

Tempting but I'd rather see the Tigers succeed. I'd be OK with another 20 years of Ford ownership if it meant Avila and co were replaced with a highly competent front office.