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Game 16: Vikings @ Lions Thread

What an absolute bullshit call.

Fuck the NFL. Pussy ass football. What was he supposed to do?

That call was maybe the worst “fuck the Lions” call ever. Worse than the playoff game PI pickup.
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Glad they called the penalty, but on what planet is that roughing the passer? That was just tackling a guy with the football.
might be the worst call of all time? personal foul for tackling lol. No hit to the head...no slam...nothing. But thanks Refs...the real fans appreciate it.
Not to belabor it any more, but out of all the calls that go against the Lions, that might be top 3 ever. There is literally nothing he did incorrectly. How do you even make that call on a 4th down? That ref should be suspended multiple games for making a call like that.
Thank this outstanding officiating crew for assisting the Lions draft position today with that terrific roughing the passer call
Part of me thinks these teams have to be trying to lose, but deep down I know they are just really this bad.
Not to belabor it any more, but out of all the calls that go against the Lions, that might be top 3 ever. There is literally nothing he did incorrectly. How do you even make that call on a 4th down? That ref should be suspended multiple games for making a call like that.

That ref should be investigated. He may be on the take lol. That call has to be one of the worst calls ever. Next to the pass interference against the Saints that wasn?t called.
Lions better draft all defense in the draft , and maybe one WR. Man this defense is so bad.