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Game 3: Falcons @ Lions Thread

Good job by goff getting the ball out. A sack kills amy chance of points
Campbell with a sack to end the half! 2 1/2 games amd Hutch hasn't even sniffed the qb. Really need him to step up
Campbell with a sack to end the half! 2 1/2 games amd Hutch hasn't even sniffed the qb. Really need him to step up

So I get it you alway want to pick on Hutch. He was a high draft pick but you don?t think he is helping effect the other guys getting the sacks ? I?m curious because his grade against the Chiefs was good and we didn?t get a sack in that game ? I agree I want him to get at the qb at a higher rate but it?s not like he has zero effect on the game. Hell idk maybe he is having a sophomore slump.
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Good half. Not a very consistent run game and relying on goff too much. Defense improved.
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Campbell with a sack to end the half! 2 1/2 games amd Hutch hasn't even sniffed the qb. Really need him to step up

Another amazing player breakdown. I still remember the Slay is ?average at best? assessment. You?re super good at scouting.

Tell me more!!
Really??? Cabinda carrying the 3rd and 1 play?? Johnson seriously needs help with our run game. The guy is a genius in the pass game but absolutely brutal calling runs.