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Game 3 - Lions @ Vikings Thread

I cannot stress this enough. Backus and Cherilus need to be replaced.. Both mediocre to bad Millen picks..
kingofdetroit57 said:
Probably. It was all dump offs to Best. How about we try involving CJ, Nate, Sheff and Young soon?

O-Line needs to give Staff more than 2 seconds to throw to make that happen..
Now put up any kind of points and my blood pressure will come down. 26 is too young for my first stroke.
kingofdetroit57 said:
MalFunkShun said:
Well, if Cherilus or Backus would block for a change, maybe there's be time for Staff to do something..
I wouldn't mind seeing Hilliard on rotation.
Something needs to happen, those guys are a thorn to a very good team so far..
Good to see Schwartz is reading my posts.