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Game 5 Lions @ Eagles Thread

Strange, what does that mean when one of our players crosses the white line at the end of the field? Do we score a run?
Its just amazing really and honestly so frustrating that this team plays so much damn better when the 4th Q starts.
And there is another turnover just to continue the 4th quarter magic lmao.
Someone is going to kill one of those pigeons on the field. They're not moving...and they better not get in the way of a Staff pass.
Fucking redzone keeps showing teams on the 40 yd line instead of our entire drive inside the 20 on our last score lol. They better show this drive if we get close!
Can I just bring up...Delmas is to Lions D as Polamalu is to Steelers D...completely different looking unit...
Just stop throwing it to Pettigrew....fricking useless...he's never open and has hands full of butter...