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Game 5 Lions @ Eagles Thread

Third and one and they don't run the ball.... Scott L. is freaking clueless.
Some idiot on the Lions coaching staff probably told Stafford to dial it back on the gunslinging attitude to Megatron.

Sooooo many guys need get get fired...this team could fill an entire unemployment line on their own.
WOW, talk about a pathetic offense. One would think that after a bye week they would do a little better. But then again, it is the lions.......
Eagles have made slight offensive adjustments to help their offense in the second half... Lions and our stupid coordinator have not made any.. It is the same every week now days..
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Third and one and they don't run the ball.... Scott L. is freaking clueless.

And the last time we had 3rd and short and ran it people complained about that. This team can't execute anything right now. We ran 6 plays in the 3rd quarter.
This really is totally unacceptable... somebody needs to be fired of this...
And the last time we had 3rd and short and ran it people complained about that. This team can't execute anything right now. We ran 6 plays in the 3rd quarter.

the team needed a first down and had just run for 5+ yards....A run was the right play there third and one... What the heck is lashoure drafted for..
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Not sure If Jackson got both feet in, of course we used our challenge.
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Eagles keep running that strecth play and it's not working for them...DLine getting too much pressure on that.
the team needed a first down and had just run for 5+ yards....A run was the right play there third and one... What the heck is lashoure drafted for..

And that was the same scenario as earlier and we lost 2 yards. My point is if you don't convert people will bitch that you did the incorrect thing.