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Game 5 Lions @ Eagles Thread

agreed....he blows. We dont do enough crossing routes. Its all deep ins and a TE sitting at 6 yards on a curl. So predictable. So boring. And none of the WRs get open on the deeper route.

We had Young open on a deep route and he dropped. We've had TE's down the middle today and Staff made poor throws.
We had Young open on a deep route and he dropped. We've had TE's down the middle today and Staff made poor throws.

theres a whole thread on how Young blows....im sure youd find atleast a couple replies from me on what i think about going to him deep.
So sad, we all thought this franchise had turned a corner, looks like we need to rebuild again!
How many times are we going to jump offsides today, gessssh this team is a joke.
Hey Lacy...wrap up and tackle and maybe you won't keep knocking yourself out by tackling with your helmet.
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I can't watch anymore of this today, too depressing. this team as a lot of problems..
The team is cursed, even smart coaches get turned into idiots by the Lion's curse!
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