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Game 5 Lions @ Eagles Thread

Lacy hits Celek...Celek gets up limping and Lacy looks like he hurt his shoulder...still down.
And hopefully a new coaching staff if that happens.

Hope not entirely.. IMO JS is the best we've had in many years, he's got the right mind set, he just needs to surround himself with people smarter than him and not all these stale clowns..
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Hope not entirely.. IMO JS is the best we've had in many years, he's got the right mind set, he just needs to surround himself with people smarter than him and not all these clowns..

Yes I guess but he does not hold his team accountable for all the penalties they commit.. That is totally unacceptable and it has never changed yet under Jim...
Hope not entirely.. IMO JS is the best we've had in many years, he's got the right mind set, he just needs to surround himself with people smarter than him and not all these stale clowns..

If its Schwartz's choice to have gunther and linehan as coordinators than im fine with him leaving too lol. Schwartz with 3 new coordinators would be ideal. Stafford obviously isnt right....so it doesnt concern me to give him a new guy to learn from.
I can't believe teams can take Calvin away so easily.

Who's fault is that... Scott L's, Matt's, Calvin's, Meyhews.... Seems like they could adjust but we just have not seen it yet...
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This is the most hapless Lions team in a long while, they can't get out of their own way!
Yes I guess but he does not hold his team accountable for all the penalties they commit.. That is totally unacceptable and it has never changed yet under Jim...

Although it doesn't seem like it right now.. He believes in playing TD's though and not FG's I've waited so long for a coach like that I don't want to see that reverted is all as Logan takes the kick, drops it, picks it up, stumbles for a couple of yards and then tackles himself LOL.

Logan = terrible
Then it has to be Scott L's offensive schemes then...

agreed....he blows. We dont do enough crossing routes. Its all deep ins and a TE sitting at 6 yards on a curl. So predictable. So boring. And none of the WRs get open on the deeper route.
I thought for sure they'd play a little better than this today with their backs against the wall at 1-3 and facing the Bears on the road next week. wow what a huge disappointment this team is..
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