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Internet Censorship.

to be fair, it did fly up 6 miles and make a successful landing...it just exploded 8 minutes later. If the passengers get off REALLY quick, I think he can start taking people up to space pretty soon.

I heard Virgin Galactic is working on a space craft that gives you 10 full minutes to deboard and get behind a blast shield - watch out Elon, Branson's coming for you!
No, but I've lost count how many times it's happened.

If it's fine for him to throw gobs of satellites in the sky, so many astronomers and people worried about it getting crowded up there take issue with it, why haven't governments already done it? Seems like there would be value to it.

Isn't it the governments that threw most of those satellites into the sky and just recently, ours has been paying Elon to do it for them?
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Isn't it the governments that threw most of those satellites into the sky and just recently, ours has been paying Elon to do it for them?

His plan is to launch thousands. Tens of thousands maybe. And Amazon might build a similar network.

1205 satellites are active (if I reading wikipedia right, that's 400 tons of satellites)
12,000 approved by FCC
requesting permission for 30k more
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His plan is to launch thousands. Tens of thousands maybe. And Amazon might build a similar network.

1205 satellites are active (if I reading wikipedia right, that's 400 tons of satellites)
12,000 approved by FCC
requesting permission for 30k more

Say what you want about Starlink but at least it's an attempt to bring decent internet to areas where Comcast, ATT, and the like have pocketed money meant to do the same (over and over). Would be nice to have a video call with my sons and their grandparents.
Liberals: "Billionaires are bad! Stop hoarding wealth!"

Elon Musk: Builds lightning-fast cars and rockets that go Mars.

Liberals: Wait, no...not like that!
Liberals: "Billionaires are bad! Stop hoarding wealth!"

Elon Musk: Builds lightning-fast cars and rockets that go Mars.

Liberals: Wait, no...not like that!

The arguments some people make about Trump, is sort of how I feel about Musk. Sure I don't love his tweets or some of his personal choices, but I feel like he's really accomplished some useful stuff and I'm willing to compartmentalize and not judge one based on the other.
Liberals: "Billionaires are bad! Stop hoarding wealth!"

Elon Musk: Builds lightning-fast cars and rockets that go Mars.

Liberals: Wait, no...not like that!

You look at the problems facing humanity, and think we need faster cars and rockets going to Mars?
You look at the problems facing humanity, and think we need faster cars and rockets going to Mars?

Electrification of cars at least gives us the option of greener energy tech. Making them faster, luxury products, I think, played a big role in pushing their desirability. It's entirely possible we wouldn't have all the plans to go electric that we do if not for Tesla.

Rural internet is a big deal. If it can be accessed in Russia or China, that will really be huge.

Big push in battery tech might be a step that's ultimately in the wrong direction, but in a chicken/egg way, we need those wrong steps. People got to create the market and solutions.

I don't know if Neuralink will ever do the stuff Musk wants it to do, but I do think, if he sells them to universities, mountains of great brain research can be done.
well, if we ruin this planet, we will need a way to get to Mars.

Mars doesn't have a magnetic field. The Sun's UV radiation fries the surface.

with our technology, the only way we could live there is underground.

you can live underground here for a lot cheaper. not sure there's point in transporting the same life support shit all that way through space... just dig a hole and bury it here.
Mars doesn't have a magnetic field. The Sun's UV radiation fries the surface.

with our technology, the only way we could live there is underground.

you can live underground here for a lot cheaper. not sure there's point in transporting the same life support shit all that way through space... just dig a hole and bury it here.

Maybe. Probably. But if you check the Mars thread, NASA's got an interesting idea about building a magnetic shield in between Mars and the Sun.

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Will we all get to live happily on Mars, or just the handful of robotics engineers who sign up to be indentured servants on Elon's Mars plantation, maintaining his fleet of killbots and farmbots, or members of his harem?
You look at the problems facing humanity, and think we need faster cars and rockets going to Mars?

Not my money so my opinion is irrelevant.

But I would argue that pushing the auto industry towards electric, continuing the exploration of space, pushing solar to be more viable, changing the way we think about infrastructure, and bringing quality internet to the masses are certainly efforts worth pursuing.

I just think it's a bad look, maybe even hypocritical of those that seek to tax the shit out billionaires and yet also be cranky when they're spending money on endeavors such as these. It's not that they're super rich that's making liberals mad, it's that they don't get to decide where the money goes.
...and I've left the Boring Company out of it. Might be a bit ambitious.

We can't even maintain bridges right now. Way ahead of it's time. Not until the allocation of funds isn't weighted so heavily towards military funding anyways.