theo said:
After reading this post again I've concluded that you are one hell of a bitchy sore loser. The packers were frauds last year? Jesus christ you're pathetic.
Back into the playoffs because the stupid Bears decided to not play anybody on the last day of the season last year. am i not mistaking that the Packers needed other teams to lose in the preceding weeks before that last game last year..At 10-6 it was a miracle your team got that hot in the playoffs to win the Super Bowl.
So at 10-6 last year you were a dominate team last year right? Seriously your team has a great offense and a suspect defense that eventually will not get the turnovers. And Yes i hate the Packers and want them to lose every game unless it puts the Lions in the playoffs just like you hate O$U.. Don't give me this crap.. I heard the announcers say that was a bad call on the third down interference and some of the other calls were suspect too. Go back and roll te DVR. I am tired of the Packers and the Bears getting the benfit of the doubt all the time.. And it does happen all the time.. Like the Lions play dirty yet when CJ gets close-lined by the bears it is a hard nosed football play.. Sooner or later the Packers will come back to earth... My hope it is sooner rather then later... I have hated Vikings, Bears, and Packers all my life and I will always hate them and most of all their rotten front running troll fan bases...