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Lewan announcement tonight

Ok. He's not a Dick. I had a feeling, but I didn't want to jynx it. You don't have a press conference unless you're staying
can play major leadership role glad he had maturity and thought this thru
...and that's why he had the presser - to shock the world.
This is good news, and says a lot about the confidence of the players in this program. Still don't know why a press conference was necessary, but if he felt he wanted one for his announcement that is fine I guess.

And congratulations to Lewan on a great game against SC, even though we lost his play was exceptional.
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Ha, funny thread. Way to go lewan for giving Michigan some positive press
I think holding a PC is just the way it is now and it's "breaking news" on the crawl now to have players announce one way or the other. This is huge ...not entirely shocked but I figured he was leaving.

One more year of OL coaching from Hoke and another year of Pro Style OL can only help prepare him for the NFL ...

Long, Henne and Hart held a PC too, if I recall.
biggest element to me, shocking as it might seem by having only 1 more guy added, is how this adds talented depth to the OL that we feared would not exist for another 2 years. he will be able to set an example for the younger guys that will help get the OL on track sooner than we feared by him leaving. it helps for guys to have a chance to grow in the program as opposed to being fed to the wolves.

here's to hoping UM wins the NC next year and lewan goes #1 overall in draft.
desmond howard tweeted to devin
@DesmondHoward: I know you're happy, @teamDGizzle. This is HUGE! http://t.co/yDzs4fr3

and then this
@DesmondHoward: @teamDGizzle Total game changer!

i cannot see gardners response
This is big on a few levels. First off he is one of the best LT in college although if you ask Sparty fans its because he plays dirty and holds on every play. Next we will need some senior leadership and he seems like he will be great. Plus our line will be super young but very talented and he can help show them the ropes.
To have a press conference and say what he said about the program and the coaches only helps with future recruiting and future underclassmen, imo. Buying into the senior leadership role that Hoke has made so important, and him wanting to be a part of that, cannot be discounted. By having a press conference, it puts it out there a little more than just announcing through back channels. What a great bit of news tonight!!
Ok, I take back what I said about the drama bit. I didn't see the press conference, but it sounds like he represented everyone well. Nice work Taylor!
Some people might think this is BS but I honestly thought he would stay. From everything I've read and heard about Taylor, he doesn't seem to be a guy who would abandon his team with one year left. He's seems to truly love Michigan and enjoys being in Ann Arbor. He's definitely got some unfinished business.

Now if Michigan had won the B1G and went to the Rose Bowl this year, I would have thought differently.
Lol you guys sound like a bunch of whiney old men in this thread. Why NOT have a press conference? There's nothing showy or selfish about it at all as far as I'm concerned. You're not stabbing anyone in the back even if you leave (the coaches and players all know). In fact, that's a reason you even attend a school like Michigan in the first place as a recruit.

And congrats to Taylor! I would never have blamed him for leaving (and it's a major risk), but I hope things really work out for him!
Lol you guys sound like a bunch of whiney old men in this thread. Why NOT have a press conference? There's nothing showy or selfish about it at all as far as I'm concerned. You're not stabbing anyone in the back even if you leave (the coaches and players all know). In fact, that's a reason you even attend a school like Michigan in the first place as a recruit.

And congrats to Taylor! I would never have blamed him for leaving (and it's a major risk), but I hope things really work out for him!

I think everyone was on edge thinking about next year's line without him. This solidifies the hell out of it.