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Lions at Raiders Week 15 Thread

..................................blame the secondary, the defensive line, and the LBs. They all suck right now. D-line gets a sack and it's a horse collar...outside of that, we can't do shit against them.
No one on D playing deeper?

Probably would have whiffed on him anyway.
as Billick said....the lions were asking to get burned like that with that defense.
houston needs to attempt to tackle better than that regardless of what the defense was expecting......bleh..gonna have to win a shootout i guess..
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]4 yards at a time? is that the gameplan?

Hopefully we have insanely long drives to keep their offense off of the field.
thundernlightning said:
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]4 yards at a time? is that the gameplan?

setting up the long pass for when oakland decides to stack the line and go single coverage

setting us up to go 3 and out every series.